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Operation and maintenance
Remove all packaging of the device.
Check if the voltage of the appliance corresponds to the main voltage of your home.
Rated voltage : AC220-240V 50Hz.
Always place the unit on a flat stable surface and ensure at least 10 cm. free space around the
unit. This device is not suitable for outdoor installation or use.
Before First use
Wash before using the device for the first time the mixing bowl (no. 3), the mixer (no. 8), the
beater (no. 9) the dough hook (no. 2) and the splash cover (no. 11) in a warm soapy water.
Rinse and dry thoroughly. These parts are not dishwasher proof.
Caution! Never immerse the base (no. 10) in water or other liquid.
Run the mixer no longer than 10 minutes continuous, after that always cool the mixer for 15
Using the mix-accessories
Mixer (no. 8) The mixer is ideal for beating eggs, cream and fittings. The balloon shape
adds more air to the mixture which creates a light airy mass. Never use
the mixer for heavy mixtures, for example a mixture of egg, fat and sugar,
as this may damage the mixer.
Beater (no. 9) The beater is designed for better mixing result in a short time. The beater
is especially suitable for mixing, blending and pureeing.
Dough hook (no. 2) All types of dough will be quickly mixed and kneaded with no effort.
The correct speed settings to mix-accessories
Mixer (no. 8) Start at position 1 and very gradually increase the maximum speed to
position 6.
Beater (no. 9) Cake batter, start at position 1 and very gradually increase the maximum
speed to position 6. Flour, fruit, etc. anywhere through creation;
Only position 1. Butter by mixing flour, beginning at position 1, maximum
increase to position 2.
Dough hook (no. 2) Start at position 1, maximum increase to position 2.
Important for making heavy dough. Never exceed the maximum amounts as shown below,
because the device could be overloaded. If you hear the device has trouble with mixing, switch
it off and take half the dough out. Mix the dough in 2 times. Firstly place the liquid ingredients
into the bowl, it is easier to mix.
Maximum quantities
Crumble dough and yeast dough firmly: 2.0 kg.
Soft yeast dough: 2,5 kg.
Cake mix: 2.7 kg.
Turn the unlock button (no. 5) down and the swivel arm (no. 4) goes up.
See Figure 1 & 2. Place the mix bowl (no. 2) on the plateau and turn it counter clockwise down
as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
Place the splash cover (no. 11) on the dough hook, the mixer or beater, whichever attachment
you want to use. Place the required piece in the connector (no. 1) and tighten the connection
clockwise until securely fastened. See Figure 4 & 5.
Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6
Turn the unlock button (no. 5) and press down with the other hand the swivel arm (no. 4)
downwards. See Figure 6. The device is ready for use.
Make sure the speed selector (no. 7) to 0 before you plug in into the wall outlet.
Place the desired ingredients in the mixing bowl.
The speed of 1 to 6 can be selected. 1 is the lowest speed and 6 is the highest speed setting.
Using the speed selector (no. 7) for the desired speed.
Select a speed appropriate to the ingredients you use. Add ingredients gradually increasing.
For a short fast operation, select the Pulse mode (P) by the speed selector switch (no. 7) to the
left, you should switch insisting in this position, using up about 1 minutes possible overheating
of the engine. Select the speed selector to 0 when you finish mixing and remove the plug from
the socket.

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