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Auto function
This feature is designed to switch to a certain temperature to be used only as a fan, above this
temperature the device will automatically turn to the air conditioning mode (cooling).
Example: Turn the power on by pressing the on/off button (I),
Select the COOL mode with the mode function button (F), set the temperature to 25°C. Then
select the AUTO mode by pressing the mode function button (F), the lights COOL and AUTO
come on To 25°C FAN function is, from 25°C the devi ce cools.
If the temperature falls below the 25°C the FAN mod e comes on again. Attention! The
minimum set temperature in the AUTO mode is 25°C, w hen a lower temperature is selected,
the device cools only to 25°C.
Timer function
Press the timer function button (C) and set the desired number of hours, from 1 up to 24 hours.
The timer function is available in the cooling, fan and auto mode.
Set in 2 hours during the off mode, the machine will begin two hours later with the last set
Set in 2 hours, while the unit is in operation, the device automatically stops 2 hours later.
Sleep function
This feature only works in the cooling mode. Press the sleep function button (D).
The temperature raises in the first and second hours, respectively, 1°C per hour. Then the
device keeps the temperature down. After 12 hours in sleep mode the device will automatically
turn off. When using the sleep mode the unit automatically turns in low fan speed.
Remote control
Place the battery in the remote behind the flap on the back. Point the remote at the device and
select the desired functions on the remote control.
K Control light, lights up when the buttons are operated.
L Function button, cooling, ventilation or automatically.
M On/Off key
N Fan speed control button.
O Temperature setting button, right temperature up and left temperature down.
P Sleep function button.
Q Timer function button.
The cooling capacity of the unit depends on the following factors:
• All windows and doors must be closed, otherwise the hot air will stay flowing inside .
• If the room temperature is not extremely high and for example, there are many
heat sources in space, such as computers etc.
• Are the dimensions of the area suitable for this device?
The cooling capacity for the AC-5495 is maximal 70 m3 and the cooling capacity for the
AC-5495 is maximal 90 m3.
• Is the heat discharged outwards properly
• Make sure the filters are cleaned regularly.
Always remove the plug from the socket when the device is cleaned.
Clean the outside with a damp cloth. Never use harsh and abrasive cleaners, steel wool or a
scouring pad as this will damage the device. Do not immerse in water or other liquid.
Remove filter (No. 5) from the machine and clean it with warm soapy water, let the filter dry
completely before being replaced. Turn the appliance without filters. If the unit is stored after
the season, drain the condensate water and put the cord into the cord storage area (No. 7).

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