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Read these instructions carefully before you use the Ice Crusher, and keep them in a safe place for future
Check that the voltage of your domestic electricity supply conforms to the voltage of the appliance. Only
connect this appliance to an earthed electric socket.
1. Insert the plug into an electric socket. Position the ice container and remove the transparent lid.
2. The on/off switch is located on the side of the casing.
3. Turn on the appliance by pressing down the ON/OFF switch to position “1”.
4. Place an ice cube(max. size approx. 25 x 25 x 25 mm) on the scoop and press the silver lid with the
scoop to open the silver lid so that the ice cube can slide into ice container . Note: Don’t push the
silver lid with your fingers. Do not put any ice cubes on that are bigger than the opening of the
5. Keep the machine switched on until all the ice cubes have been crushed.
6. Turn off the appliance by pressing down the ON/OFF switch to position ”0”.
7. You can now remove the ice container to serve the ice. Replace the empty ice container in the
If an ice cube jams the action of the machine, never stick your finger into the appliance to remove the ice
cube. First remove the plug from the socket and remove the ice container, then hold the lid of the reservoir
open, turn the ice crusher upside down, and shake it until the ice cube drops out of the machine.
1. Never immerse the appliance in water or any other liquid.
2. Always remove the plug from the socket before you clean the Ice Crusher.
3. Clean the casing with a damp cloth or sponge. Never use abrasive cleaning materials or pan
4. Clean the ice container in warm water, to which a little detergent may be added. Never wash it in hot
water. The ice container should not be washed in a dishwasher.
5. Attention: the motor is permanently lubricated; never oil it yourself.
- Never immerse the motor housing in water or any other liquid.
- Take care when using this appliance in the presence of children; children using it should always be
closely supervised by an adult.
- Always remove the plug from the electricity socket when the ice crusher is not in use, before attaching
- or removing parts, and before cleaning.
- Never touch moving parts. Never stick your fingers or (kitchen) utensils in the input and output
- If the cable is damaged, or if the ice crusher has been damaged in any other way, we would advise
you not to continue using the appliance. Take the damaged appliance to a recognized service centre
for repair.
- Only use the accessories supplied. Other accessories can cause injury, electric shocks and fires.
- Do not use the appliance outdoors.
- Only for domestic use.
- Do not let the power cable dangle over the edge of the table or the sink unit, and never allow the cable
- to come into contact with a hot surface.
- Before using the ice crusher, always check that there are no foreign objects in the ice reservoir.
- Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. The use of this
appliance by children or persons with a physical, sensory, mental or motorial disability, or lack of
experience and knowledge can give cause to hazards. Persons responsible for their safety should
give explicit instructions or supervise the use of the appliance.

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