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21. Never use any attachments which are not listed on the instruction book .The use of attachments, including canning
jars, etc, are not recommended by the manufacturer and may cause a risk of injury to persons.
22. Do not blend hot liquids.
Save these instructions.
This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). To reduce the risk of electric shock, this plug will fit
in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a
qualified electrician. Do not modify the plug in any way.
2 Usage of the smoothie to go
The power plug can be inserted into a main outlet socket only after the sport bottle is securely installed on the blender
base as per below procedure. And before removing the sport bottle from the blender base, unplug the unit from the main
outlet socket.
1. Place the sport bottle on a flat surface , open the bottle.
2. Fill the bottle with your favorite ingredients , all the ingredient must be filled below the bottle max level mark.
3. Fasten the blade base on the open end of the bottle.
4. Turn the bottle upside down , put the bottle and blade base together on the blender base, ensure the three micro
switch block in the right position.
5. Press the pulse button to start the machine, during operating, your finger needs to press the button continuously.
6. Do not continue to operate the unit over 1 minute or more. After 1 minute use, stop for 1 minute.
7. Do not operate the blender without loading.
8. If you want to stop the machine, please leave your finger from the pulse button.
9. After blend, turn the bottle over and place it on a flat surface, take out the blade base and put the drinking lid on.
1. The appliance is only permitted to use 30 seconds continuously maximum. Before it’s used again, it must cool down
2. The bottle and cap are dishwasher safe.
3. The appliance can only be used for liquid and soft fruits, but first cut the fruit into pieces.
4. When overloading the motor, it will automatically stop. Please unplug and empty the cup. Wait for 15 minutes to cool
down the motor. After that you can use again.

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