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Gently close the lid, ensuring the latch locks in place. Do not slam the lip down as it may cause the
mixture to run off the cooking plates.
Allow to cook for approximately 3- 5 minutes or until golden.
Hint: use a toothpick or skewer to check the progress of the cakes pops. Insert the skewer into the
cookies. When the toothpick/skewer is coming out clean, the cookies are ready.
To remove the cookies, always use a plastic or wooden spatula. Never use a sharp object or metal, as this
will damage the non-stick surface of cooking plates.
Always turn off the power and remove the plug after and before cleaning.
The cooking plates are coated with non-stick cooking surface, therefore little cleaning is required. Simply
wipe cooking plates over with a damp cloth.
Do not immerse the appliance in water or other liquid.
Do not use abrasive scouring pads, powders or cleaners.
Do not place in the dishwasher.
Before next use, lightly grease the cooking plates for easy removal of cooked pop cakes.
Always unplug the appliance before storage.
Always make sure the appliance is cool and dry before string.
To minimize storage space in your kitchen, the appliance can be stored vertically.
There are two ways to prepare basic cookies; an easy and quick way and a more extensive way. Both are
described below.
Ready-made cake mix
You can use a ready-made cake mix from the supermarket for preparing the cookies, such as neutral cake
mix, chocolate cake mix, vanilla cake mix, muffin mix etc. The dough should be prepared according to the
description on the packaging. Consequently, add the dough to a piping bag and fill each mold with a tuft of
dough. Not too full, the dough will rise during the baking process! A general guideline that could be followed
is 3 to 5 minutes preparation time per batch of cookies. As mentioned before, you can use a toothpick or
skewer to check the progress of the cakes pops.
Self-made cake mix
There are several options when it comes to preparing your own basic cookies.
Neutral cookies
190 grams flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
120 grams butter
225 grams sugar
1 small bag of vanilla sugar

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