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1. Introduction
Transcend’s DrivePro™
Body 52 is an easy-to-operate wearable video camera that is tailor-made
for police officers, security guards and other professionals to capture real time videos and photos of
events. The Wi-Fi network allows live streaming to your smartphone and adjusting the function
settings using the DrivePro™ Body App.
DrivePro™ Body 52 features a compact camera unit attached via a flexible 1.2 meter cable to the
main unit, allowing for a wide variety of wearing options. In addition, the DrivePro™ Body 52 boasts
a 130° wide angle lens for the best field of view and records videos in crystal clear Full HD 1080P (30
FPS) with a F1.8 aperture to ensure both the important details of your actions and those in the
camera’s field are clearly recorded. The handy snapshot function allows you to take photos while
recording. Transcend’s DrivePro™ Body 52 has a built-in Li-Polymer battery that can record up to
3.5 hours and only takes approximately 1.5 hours to be fully recharged.
The DrivePro™ Body 52 has an internal 32GB storage, allowing users to record up to 3.5 hours of
footage. In addition, the camera is rugged and IPX4 water resistant, providing extra protection and
durability. The DrivePro™ Body Toolbox provides secure data protection mechanism to protect the
recorded data. For enterprises or departments that purchase multiple DrivePro™ Body cameras,
Transcend’s optional 6-port Docking Station offers the best solution as each port can simultaneously
charge and upload the recorded data to your database.
Smooth and detailed Full HD 1080P recording at 30fps resolution.
Handy snapshot button to take photos while recording (2 million pixels camera).
F1.8 aperture with 13 wide angle lens.
Built-in Wi-Fi to allow live streaming to your smartphone app and adjust the function settings.
32GB internal storage.
Record videos in .MOV file format with 12Mbps high video bit rate.
Meets U.S. military drop-test standards and IPX4 water resistant (non-submersible).
Bundled camera clip and Velcro for easy operation.
Built-in microphone.
Built-in 1530mAh Li-Polymer battery to record up to 3.5 hours of footage.

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Transcend DrivePro Body 52 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 34 pagina's

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