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PRIUS v_Navi_OM47895U_(U)
14.09.24 19:41
The hands-free system enables calls
to be made and received without hav-
ing to take your hands off the steering
This system supports Bluetooth
is a wireless data system
that enables cellular phones to be used
without being connected by a cable or
placed in a cradle.
The operating procedure of the phone
is explained here.
While driving, do not use a cellular
phone or connect the Bluetooth
Your audio unit is fitted with Bluetooth
antennas. People with implantable car-
diac pacemakers, cardiac resynchroni-
zation therapy-pacemakers or
implantable cardioverter defibrillators
should maintain a reasonable distance
between themselves and the Bluetooth
antennas. The radio waves may affect
the operation of such devices.
Before using Bluetooth
devices, users
of any electrical medical device other
than implantable cardiac pacemakers,
cardiac resynchronization therapy-pace-
makers or implantable cardioverter
defibrillators should consult the manu-
facturer of the device for information
about its operation under the influence
of radio waves. Radio waves could have
unexpected effects on the operation of
such medical devices.
Do not leave your cellular phone in the
vehicle. The temperature inside may rise
to a level that could damage the phone.
If your cellular phone does not support
, this system cannot function.
In the following conditions, the system
may not function:
• The cellular phone is turned off.
The current position is outside the
communication area.
• The cellular phone is not connected.
• The cellular phone has a low battery.
When using Bluetooth
audio and
hands-free at the same time, the follow-
ing problems may occur:
The Bluetooth
connection may be
• Noise may be heard on the Bluetooth
audio playback.
A Bluetooth
To use the hands-free system for cellu-
lar phones, it is necessary to register a
cellular phone with the system.
The condition of the Bluetooth
appears on the upper right side of the
screen. (P.18)

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