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14.01.09 17:31
z Accurate current vehicle position may not
be shown in the following cases:
When driving on a small angled
Y-shaped road.
When driving on a winding road.
• When driving on a slippery road such as
in sand, gravel, snow, etc.
When driving on a long straight road.
• When motorway and surface streets run
in parallel.
After moving by ferry or vehicle carrier.
When a long route is searched during
high speed driving.
When driving without setting the current
position calibration correctly.
After repeating a change of direction by
going forward and backward, or turning
on a turntable in the parking lot.
When leaving a covered parking lot or
parking garage.
When a roof carrier is installed.
When driving with tyre chains installed.
When the tyres are worn.
After replacing a tyre or tyres.
When using tyres that are smaller or
larger than the factory specifications.
When the tyre pressure in any of the four
tyres is not correct.
z Inappropriate route guidance may occur in
the following cases:
When turning at an intersection off the
designated route guidance.
If you set more than one destination but
skip one of them, auto reroute will dis-
play a route returning to the destination
that was skipped.
When turning at an intersection for which
there is no route guidance.
When passing through an intersection
for which there is no route guidance.
During auto reroute, the route guidance
may not be available for the next turn to
the right or left.
It may take a long time to operate auto
reroute during high speed driving. In
auto reroute, a detour route may be
After auto reroute, the route may not be
An unnecessary U-turn may be shown or
• A location may have multiple names and
the system will announce one or more.
Some routes may not be searched.
If the route to your destination includes
gravel, unpaved roads or alleys, the
route guidance may not be shown.
Your destination point might be shown
on the opposite side of the street.
When a portion of the route has regula-
tions prohibiting the entry of the vehicle
that vary by time or season or other rea-
The road and map data stored in the
navigation system may not be complete
or may not be the latest version.

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