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Introduction Connections Playback Editing OthersFunction SetupRecording VHS Functions
Basic Setup /
TV View Operation
TV aspect ratio does not match your
TV screen.
Check “TV Aspect” setting. (See page 71.)
A different aspect ratio will be used when the aspect ratio specified by the disc
is not supported by this unit.
Playback picture is distorted.
Colour of the picture is abnormal.
During fast forward or fast reverse, playback picture may be distorted. This is
not a malfunction.
Connect to TV directly. When you connect this unit with the television via VCR
or other devices, the picture may be distorted due to the copy-protection signal.
Check if the cables are damaged.
Keep the equipment which may cause electrical disturbances, such as a cellular
phone, away.
There is no sound, or no subtitle. Turn on all connected devices.
Check if the external input channel is set correctly.
Check if the connections are made securely and correctly.
If using the HDMI connection, sound is not output when “HDMI Audio” is set to
Check the RCA audio cable connection. If you are using HDMI-DVI conversion
cable, you must connect the RCA audio cable, too.
If using the HDMI connection, check whether the output format of this unit
(HDMI FORMAT) matches the supported input format of other connected
Playback does not start from the
Resume function may be activated. Refer to page 51 to cancel the resume
HDD playback suddenly stops. When DVD recording finishes during HDD playback, the unit will stop the HDD
playback, and start writing data to the DVD. This is not a malfunction.
Playback cannot be performed. • Check if the playable disc is inserted.
Check if the disc is loaded correctly with the labelled side facing up.
Discs made on other devices or on personal computers cannot be played back
on this unit unless it is finalised on the device.
Even if it is finalised, the performance of those discs are not guaranteed on this
The disc may be dirty or flawed. Clean the disc.
Check if all the connections are made correctly.
Check “Parental Lock” setting. (See page 68.)
Playback of DVD is prohibited from 2 minutes before the programmed start time
of a timer recording when the recording media is DVD.
There is no sound, or no subtitle. Check if all the connections are made correctly.
Check if the “Audio Out” is set correctly. (See pages 68-69.)
There is a possibility that the selected subtitle language is not supported by the
Digital audio setting cannot be
changed to main audio (L), sub
audio (R) or combination of both.
If the audio source is in the Dolby Digital format, set “Dolby Digital” setting to
“PCM” in “Playback” menu. (available only for DVD) (See page 69.)
Audio language or the subtitle
language of the DVD cannot be
Multilingual subtitles are not supported by the disc.
Some audio languages or the subtitle languages can be changed only from the
disc menu. Please refer to the disc’s manual.
Angles cannot be changed. Even though the multi-angle feature is supported by the disc, that does not
mean all the scenes are shot from multi-angles. Changing angles is available
only for those scenes shot from the multi-angle.
The disc cannot be played back on
other player even though it is
finalised properly.
Some DVD players do not play back the disc made on other recorder. Refer to
the manual of the unit.
Picture noise appears. Adjust tracking control for better picture by pressing [PROG. G\H] while you
are playing back a videotape.
Head cleaning for VCR may be necessary.
Refer to “AUTO HEAD CLEANING” on page 4.
The unit does not play back the
Check if a videotape is in this unit.
The motor rotates even when
playback / recording is stopped.
The motor may rotate for the duration of approximately 5 minutes for efficient
operation. This is not a malfunction.
Symptom Remedy
E3TK2BD_EN.book Page 79 Thursday, April 16, 2009 12:00 PM

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