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HDMI outputs the video / audio signals without converting to
analogue signals.
No audio connections is required.
Use the HDMI cable (commercially available) for connection.
Connect the HDMI output jack of this unit to the HDMI input
jack of TV.
Selecting HDMI video resolution
Press [HDMI] to select the HDMI video resolution. The video
resolution changes as follows every time [HDMI] is pressed.
576p (PAL) / 480p (NTSC) J 720p J 1080i J 1080p
(An HDMI video resolution that is not supported by the display
device will be skipped.)
For audio CD, video CD and MP3 files, 2 channel PCM will be
output regardless of the “Dolby Digital” setting.
If the connected device is not compatible with HDMI
BITSTREAM, audio will be output as PCM even if you select
“Stream” in “Dolby Digital” setting. (See page 69.)
Copyright protection system
To play back the digital video images of a DVD via an HDMI
connection, it is necessary that both the player and the display
device (or an AV amplifier) support a copyright protection
system called HDCP (high-bandwidth digital content
protection system). HDCP is copy protection technology that
comprises data encryption and authentication of the
connected AV device. This unit supports HDCP. Please read
the operating instructions of your display device (or AV
amplifier) for more information.
* HDMI: High Definition Multimedia Interface
Because HDMI is an evolving technology, it is possible that
some devices with an HDMI input may not operate properly
with this unit.
When using an HDCP-incompatible display device, the
image will not be viewed properly.
Among the devices that support HDMI, some devices can
control other devices via the HDMI connector; however, this
unit cannot be controlled by another device via the HDMI
The audio signals from the HDMI connector (including the
sampling frequency, the number of channels and bit length)
may be limited by the device that is connected.
Among the monitors that support HDMI, some do not
support audio output (for example, projectors). In
connections with device such as this unit, audio signals are
not output from the HDMI output connector.
When this unit’s HDMI connector is connected to a DVI-D
compatible monitor (HDCP compatible) with an HDMI-DVI
conversion cable, the signals are output in digital RGB.
If the connected equipment is not compatible with HDMI
BITSTREAM, DTS sound will not be output.
When the power failure occurs, or when you unplug the unit,
some problems in the HDMI setting might occur.
Please check and set the HDMI setting again.
Using an HDMI Compatible Port
Actual Output Modes by Media
Audio recording format of
the disc
Dolby Digital / DTS /
MPEG setting of this
Actual output
PCM 2 channel PCM
Stream Dolby Digital
2 channel PCM
PCM 2 channel PCM
Stream MPEG
PCM 2 channel PCM
Stream Dolby Digital
2 channel PCM
PCM 2 channel PCM
Stream MPEG
input jack
this unit
HDMI cable (not supplied)
E3TK2BD_EN.book Page 18 Thursday, April 16, 2009 12:00 PM

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