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Notice for the Progressive Scan Outputs
Consumers should note that not all high definition television
sets are fully compatible with this product and may cause
artifacts to be displayed in the picture. In case of picture
problems with 480 or 576 progressive scan output, it is
recommended that the user switch the connection to the
‘standard definition’ output. If there are questions regarding
your TV set compatibility with this 480p or 576p product,
please contact our customer service centre.
EU Conformity Statement
“This product is marked with “CE” and complies therefore with
the applicable harmonized European standards listed under
the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC and the EMC Directive
Responsible for CE-marking is
Court, Weybridge Business Park, Addlestone Road,
Weybridge, Surrey, KT15 2UL, United Kingdom
Use a soft cloth slightly moistened with a mild detergent
solution. Do not use solutions containing alcohol, spirits,
ammonia or abrasive.
If a disc becomes dirty, clean it with a cleaning cloth. Wipe the
disc from the centre out. Do not wipe in a circular motion.
Do not use solvents such as benzine, thinner, commercially
available cleaners, detergent, abrasive cleaning agents or
antistatic spray intended for analogue records.
Handle the discs so that fingerprints and dust do not adhere
to the disc surfaces.
Always store the disc in its protective case when it is not in
HDD is a precision apparatus that is susceptible to vibration,
strong impact or dirt. Depending on the installation
environment or handling, the unit may become partially
damaged or in the worst case, recording or replaying may
not be available. Especially while the HDD is in motion, do
not subject it to vibration or strong impact or pull out the
power plug. And if a power failure occurs, the content of the
recording / replaying programme may be lost.
HDD rotates at high speed when in operation. Be sure that
rotation has stopped and then move the unit without
subjecting it to strong impact or vibration.
If the unit becomes inoperative, do not try to correct the
problem by yourself. There are no user serviceable parts
inside. Turn the unit off, unplug the mains cable, and consult
your dealer or an authorised service centre.
If the unit does not perform correctly even though you have
referred to “Troubleshooting” and the relevant sections in the
Owner’s Manual, the laser optical pickup unit may be dirty.
Consult your dealer or an authorised service centre for
inspection and cleaning of the laser optical pickup unit.
Automatically cleans video heads as you insert or remove a
cassette, so you can see a clear picture.
Playback picture may become blurred or interrupted while
the TV programme reception is clear. Dirt accumulated on
the video heads after a long period of use, or the usage of
rental or worn tapes can cause this problem. If a streaky or
snowy picture appears during playback, the video heads in
the unit may need to be cleaned.
1 Please visit your local Audio / Video store and purchase a
good quality VCR Video Head Cleaner.
2 If a Video Head Cleaner does not solve the problem,
please consult your dealer or an authorised service centre.
Remember to read the instructions along with the video
head cleaner before use.
Clean video heads only when problems occur.
Manufactured under license from Dolby
Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D
symbol are trademarks of Dolby
Digital Stereo Creator enables consumers to
create stereo DVD-Videos with stunning Dolby Digital
sound tracks at home. The technology, when utilised
instead of PCM recording, also saves recordable disc
space, allowing for higher video resolution or extended
recording time on each DVD. DVDs mastered using Dolby
Digital Stereo Creator will play back on all DVD-Video
Note: This is true when the players are compatible with
actual recordable DVD discs.
Manufactured under license under U.S.
Patent #: 5,451,942 & other U.S. and
worldwide patents issued & pending. DTS
and DTS Digital Out are registered
trademarks and the DTS logos and
Symbol are trademarks of DTS, Inc. ©
1996-2008 DTS, Inc. All Right Reserved.
HDMI, the HDMI logo and
High-Definition Multimedia
Interface are trademarks or
registered trademarks of HDMI
Licensing LLC.
DivX, DivX Certified, and associated
logos are trademarks of DivX, Inc. and
are used under license.
DVB is a registered trademark of the DVB
E3TK2BD_EN.book Page 4 Thursday, April 16, 2009 12:00 PM

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