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Introduction Connections
Basic Setup /
TV View Operation
Playback Editing OthersFunction SetupRecording VHS Functions
Make your contribution to the environment!!!
Exhausted batteries do not belong in the
You can dispose of them at a collection point for
exhausted batteries or special waste.
Contact your council for details.
Installation Location
For safety and optimum performance of this unit:
Install the unit in a horizontal and stable position.
Keep the unit away from electronic equipment such as an
amplifier, TV, etc. to prevent warping,damage, fire and
Do not place anything directly on top of the unit.
Shield the unit from direct sunlight and keep away from
sources of intense heat. Avoid dusty or humid locations.
Avoid locations with insufficient ventilation for suitable heat
dissipation. Do not block the ventilation holes on the sides of
the unit. Avoid locations subject to strong vibration or strong
magnetic fields.
Avoid the Hazards of Electrical Shock and Fire
Do not handle the mains cable with wet hands.
Do not pull on the mains cable to disconnect it from the AC
outlet. Grasp it by the plug.
If, by accident, water is spilled on the unit, unplug the mains
cable immediately and take the unit to an authorised service
centre for servicing.
Moisture Condensation Warning
Moisture condensation may occur inside the unit when it is
moved from a cold place to a warm place, after heating a cold
room, or under conditions of high humidity. Do not use the unit
for at least 2 hours to allow the inside to dry.
About Copyright
Unauthorised copying, broadcasting, public performance and
lending of discs are prohibited. This product incorporates
copyright protection technology that is protected by U.S.
patents and other intellectual property rights. Use of this
copyright protection technology must be authorised by
Macrovision, and is intended for home and other limited
viewing uses only unless otherwise authorised by
Macrovision. Reverse engineering or disassembly is
Notice for the Progressive Scan Outputs
Consumers should note that not all high definition television
sets are fully compatible with this product and may cause
artifacts to be displayed in the picture. In case of picture
problems with 480 or 576 progressive scan output, it is
recommended that the user switch the connection to the
‘standard definition’ output. If there are questions regarding
your TV set compatibility with this 480p or 576p product,
please contact our customer service centre.
This product’s packaging materials are recyclable and can
be reused. Please dispose of any materials in accordance
with your local recycling regulations.
This product consists of materials which can be recycled
and reused if disassembled by a specialised company.
Following information is only for EU-member states:
The use of the symbol indicates that this product may not
be treated as household waste. By ensuring this product is
disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential
negative consequences for the environment and human
health, which could otherwise be caused by
inappropriate waste handling of this
product. For more detailed information
about recycling of this product, please
contact your local city office, your
household waste disposal service or the
shop where you purchased the product.
Following information is only valid EU-member States:
Disposal of batteries and/or accumulators
The crossed out wheeled dust bin symbol indicates that
batteries and/or accumulators must be collected and
disposed of separately from household waste.
If the battery
or accumulator contains more than the specified values of
lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and/or cadmium (Cd) defined in
the Battery Directive (2006/66/EC), then the chemical
symbols for lead (Pb), mercury (Hg) and/or cadmium (Cd)
will appear below the crossed out wheeled dust bin
symbol. By participating in separate collection of batteries,
you will help to assure the proper disposal of products and
batteries and thus help to prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and
human health. For more detailed
information about the collection and
recycling programmes available in your
country, please contact your local city office
or the shop where you purchased the
Do not place the unit on the furniture that is capable of
being tilted by a child and an adult leaning, pulling,
standing or climbing on it. A falling unit can cause serious
injury or even death.
Pb, Hg, Cd
Manufactured under license from Dolby
Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D
symbol are trademarks of Dolby
Digital Stereo Creator enables consumers to
create stereo DVD-Videos with stunning Dolby Digital
sound tracks at home. The technology, when utilised
instead of PCM recording, also saves recordable disc
space, allowing for higher video resolution or extended
recording time on each DVD. DVDs mastered using Dolby
Digital Stereo Creator will play back on all DVD-Video
Note: This is true when the players are compatible with
actual recordable DVD discs.
E3TK7FD_EN.book Page 3 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 8:18 PM

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Toshiba RDXV50 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

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