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The manufacturer shall not assume any liability for the damage caused by not observing the description of this manual.
Store this owner’s manual in a location where it can be easily accessed when needed.
Be sure to read this owner’s manual carefully before operating.
It is recommended that maintenance be performed by a specialist when the unit has been operated for a long time.
This appliance is not intended for use by person (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge,
unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Be sure to follow the precautions provided here to avoid safety risks.
The symbols and their meanings are shown below.
It indicates that incorrect use of this unit can result in a high possibility of severe injury(*1) or death.
It indicates that incorrect use of this unit may cause severe injury or death.
It indicates that incorrect use of this unit may cause personal injury(*2), or property damage(*3).
*1: A severe injury refers to blindness, injury, burns (hot or cold), electrical shock, bone fracture, or poisoning that leaves aftereffects and requires hospitalization or
extended out-patient treatment.
*2: Personal injury means a slight accident, burn, or electrical shock which does not require admission or repeated hospital treatment.
*3: Property damage means greater damage which affects assets or resources.
Never do.
Beware of rotating parts
Electrical hazard. Contact with water will cause electric shock.
Do NOT touch with wet hands. Always unplug when not in use.
Risk of nger injury
Always follow the instructions
Do not get the product wet
Do not install, repair, open or remove the cover. It may expose you to dangerous voltages. Ask the dealership or the specialist to do this.
Turning off the power supply will not prevent potential electric shock.
The appliance shall be installed in accordance with national wiring regulation.
Means for disconnection from the supply having a contact separation of at least 3 mm in all poles must be incorporated in the xed wiring.
Do not place a spray can near the air outlet grille less than 1 m.
The warm air from indoor and outdoor units may cause an explosion of the spray can.
Installation must be requested from the supplying retail dealership or professional installation vendors. Installation requires special knowledge and
skill. If customers install on their own, it can be a cause of re, electric shock, injury or water leakage.
Do not use any refrigerant different from the one speci ed for complement or replacement. Otherwise, abnormally high pressure may be generated in
the refrigeration cycle, which may result in a failure or explosion of the product or an injury to your body.
Do not disassemble, modify or relocate the unit by yourself. It may become the cause of re, electric shock, or water leakage. For repair or relocation,
please request service from the supplying retail dealership.
When relocating or repairing the unit, please contact the supplying retail dealership. When there is a kink in the wiring, it may be the cause of electric
shock or re.
Do not select a location for installation where ammable gas may leak. If there is any gas leakage or accumulation around the unit, it can be a cause
of re.
Do not select a location for installation where there may be excessive water or humidity, such as a bathroom. Deterioration of insulation may be a
cause of electric shock or re.
Earth work should be requested from the supplying retail dealership or professional vendors. Insuf cient grounding work may be the cause of electric
shock. Do not connect the earth wire to a gas pipe, water pipe, lightning conductor, or telephone earth wire.
You must use an independent power outlet for the power supply. If a power outlet other than the independent outlet is used, it may cause a re.
Check that the circuit breaker is installed correctly. If the circuit breaker is not properly installed, it may cause an electric shock. To check the
installation method, please contact the supplying retail dealership or the professional vendor who installed the unit.
During an error (such as a burning odor, not cooling, or not warming), stop operating the unit and turn off the circuit breaker.
Continuous operation may be a cause of re, or electric shock. Please request repair or service from the supplying retail dealership.
Do not turn ON/OFF the circuit breaker or operate buttons with a wet hand. It may be a cause of electric shock.
Do not insert any material (metal, paper, or water, etc) into the air outlet or air intake opening. Fan may be rotating at high speed inside or there are
high voltage sections, which may cause an injury or electric shock.

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