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TOSHIBA Pocket PC e750 iii
TOSHIBA Pocket PC e750
Last Saved on 02/05/2003 17:16
ENGLISH using Euro_M.dot –– Printed on 02/05/2003 as HDA51PX1T80
Limitation of liability
Toshiba Corporation is in no way liable for any damage resulting from
earthquakes, lightning, wind, flood; or fire, actions on the part of a
third party, or other accidents beyond the control of Toshiba
Corporation; intentional acts, negligence or misuse on the part of the
user, or any usage under abnormal conditions.
Toshiba Corporation is in no way liable for any damage, including but
not limited to change or loss of stored data, loss of business profit,
loss of earnings, interruption of business, or lost communication
opportunities that are caused by usage or unusability of this product.
Toshiba Corporation is in no way liable for any damage resulting from
failure to comply with the contents of this user's guide.
Toshiba Corporation is in no way liable for any damage resulting from
malfunction due to use with connection devices or software other than
those provided by Toshiba Corporation.
Toshiba Corporation cannot guarantee any data recorded in memory
devices, such as internal memory and memory cards, regardless of
the cause of damage or malfunction.
Usage conditions
The Bluetooth was not developed or produced for use with equipment in
systems that directly support the medical welfare of individuals1 or
systems that are critical for the maintenance of public welfare and
safety2. Do not use the Bluetooth for these purposes.
1. These include life-support systems, surgery room equipment, and
other medical devices.
2. These include the main equipment control systems and safety
protection systems at nuclear power facilities, other critical safety
systems, fleet transportation operating control systems, and air traffic
control systems.
Do not disassemble, modify or try to service this product yourself.
This may cause injury. Unapproved changes or modifications to this
product could void your authority to operate this product. Please contact
the dealer from whom you purchased this product and request repair
Do not use this product in areas where the use of electrical devices
is prohibited, such as on board an aircraft and in a hospital.
If you are uncertain whether electrical devices are prohibited, please
consult the proper authorities and follow all instructions. Usage in
prohibited areas can cause an accident due to radio interference with
equipment such as aviation and medical equipment.

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De handleiding is 3,41 mb groot.


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