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Safety precautions Some do’s and don’ts for you to be aware of 4
Installation and important information 5
The remote control – an at-a-glance guide 6
Connecting external equipment – a guide to connecting external equipment to the back of the television 7
Connecting a computer – connecting a computer to the back of the television 8
Controls and input connections – switching on the television, standby, using the controls on the television,
headphone socket, connecting equipment to the side input sockets 9
DIGITAL – tuning the television for the first time 10
DIGITAL – auto tuning 11
DIGITAL – programme sorting, manual tuning 12
ANALOGUE – tuning analogue mode for the first time, language, country 13
ANALOGUE – manual tune, broadcast system 14
ANALOGUE – auto tune 15
ANALOGUE – programme skip, sorting programme positions 16
General controls – changing programme position 17
Stereo and bilingual transmissions – stereo/mono or dual language broadcasts 17
Time display (analogue only) 17
Sound controls – volume, sound mute, bass/treble/balance 17
Sound controls – bass boost, super woofer, dual (analogue only), stable sound
SRS WOW™ sound effects – SRS 3D, FOCUS and TruBass 18
Widescreen viewing 19
Picture controls – picture position (analogue only), back light 21
Picture controls – picture preferences (contrast, brightness, colour, tint, sharpness), black stretch,
MPEG noise reduction (MPEG NR), digital noise reduction (DNR) 22
Picture controls – colour temperature, 3D colour management, base colour adjustment 23
Picture controls – active backlight control, cinema mode, antenna amplifier, automatic format (widescreen) 24
Picture controls – 4:3 stretch, blue screen, side panel adjustment, picture still 25
Panel lock – disabling the buttons on the television 25
DIGITAL – programme timer 26
Sleep timer 26
DIGITAL – on-screen information and programme guide 27
DIGITAL settings – parental controls (setting the PIN, mode) 28
DIGITAL settings – favourite programmes, locked programmes, encrypted programmes 29
DIGITAL settings – audio languages, audio output, subtitles, reset TV, common interface 30
DIGITAL settings – software upgrade (version, automatic upgrade, searching for new software) 31
PC settings – picture position, clock phase, sampling clock, reset 32
Input selection and AV connections – input and output sockets for connected equipment,
analogue switch off 33
ANALOGUE text – setting up, general information, Auto. and LIST modes 35
ANALOGUE text – control buttons 36
DIGITAL interactive services – general information 36
Questions and Answers – answers to some of the more common queries including
manual fine tuning and colour system 37
Notes – for your own records 40
Information – signal information 41
Specifications and Accessories – technical information about the television, supplied accessories 42
C3000D Eng OM 28/1/07 6:01 pm Page 3

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