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The Twintalker 6000 has 38 CTCSS codes available.
1. Press the MENU button twice, the CTCSS code will flash
2. Press the UP or DOWN button to move to another code.
3. Press the TALK button to confirm your selection and return to the NORMAL
4. To confirm and shift to the next option, press the MENU button .
Note: Any PMR set on the same channel can receive and listen to the
conversation, also when the other use a CTCSS code.
5.3. Monitor
You can use the MONITOR feature to check for weaker signals in the current
Press the MONITOR button for normal monitoring .
Press and hold the MONITOR button. After 3 seconds you can release
the button. You are now continuous monitoring the channel until you push
the TALK button.
5.4. Button Lock
Press and hold the MENU button for 3 seconds to activate or deactivate
the BUTTON LOCK mode. The BUTTON LOCK icon is displayed on the LCD
Screen.Press and hold the MENU button again to deactivate BUTTON
5.5. VOX Selection
The PMRS is capable of voice activated (VOX) transmission. In VOX mode, the
radio will transmit a signal when it is activated by your voice or other sound
around you. VOX operation is not recommended If you plan to use your radio
in a noisy or windy environment.
1. Press the MENU button 3 times, the VX icon will blink on the LCD
2. Press the UP button to turn the VOX feature ON, or press the DOWN
button to turn the VOX feature OFF.
3. In the VOX mode, the VX icon will be displayed.
4. To confirm your selection and return to the NORMAL mode, press the TALK
5. To confirm and shift to the next option, press the MENU button.
NOTE: To save power, the unit will not turn ON the LCD Screen light when in
the VOX mode.
5.6. Channel Scan
CHANNEL SCAN performs searches for active signals in an endless loop from
channel 1 to 8.
1. Press the SCAN S button to activate CHANNEL SCAN.
2. When an active signal (one of 8 channels) is detected, CHANNEL SCAN
pauses and you will hear the active signal.
3. Press the TALK button to communicate through the active signal channel
and CHANNEL SCAN is deactivated.
4. When an active signal (one of 8 channels) is detected, press the UP or
DOWN button to bypass the current channel and continue to search for
another active channel
5. Press the SCAN button to deactivate CHANNEL SCAN mode.
5.7. Battery Charge Level/Low Battery Indication
The BATTERY CHARGE LEVEL is indicated by the number of squares
present inside the BATTERY icon on the LCD Screen.
•When the BATTERY CHARGE LEVEL is low, the BATTERY icon will
flash to indicate that the batteries need to be replaced or recharged.
5.8. .Headset use
You can operate the PMR using a headset.Plug the headset into the EAR/MIC
jack (5).
5.9. Sending Call Tones
You can use Call Tones to alert the other user to identify yourself. You can also
use Call Tones to signal the beginning or the end of a transmission.
1. Press and release the CALL button, the CALL TONE continues for 3
2. Your CALL TONES will transmit to nearby receivers set to the same
7.1. Damage antenna.
Do not use any communicator that has a damaged Antenna. If a damaged
antenna comes in contact with the skin, a minor burn may result.
7.2. Batteries.
As batteries can cause property damage and/or bodily injury such as burns if
conductive material such as jewelry, keys or beaded chains touches exposed
terminals. The material may complete an electrical circuit (short circuit) and
become quite hot. Exercise care in handling any charged battery, particularly
when placing it inside a pocket, purse or other container with metal objects.Do
not replace or charge batteries in a potentially explosive atmosphere. Contact
sparking may occur while installing or removing batteries and cause an
7.3. For vehicles with air bag.
Do not place your Communicator in the area over an air bag or in the air bag
deployment area. Air bags inflate with great force. If a communicator is placed
in the bag deployment area and the air bag inflates, the communicator may be
propelled with great force and cause serious injury to the occupants of vehicle.
7.4. Potentially Explosive Atmospheres.
Tu rn your communicator off when in any area with a potentially explosive
atmosphere, unless it is a type specifically qualified for such use. Sparks in
CTCSS Sub-channel
Output Power (TX)
8 Channels
38 for each Channel
Output Power :0.5W (Maximum)
Up to 3 Km (open field)
such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even
7.5. Blasting caps and areas
To avoid possible interference with blasting operation, turn your communicator
off near electrical blasting caps or in a ‘blasting area’ or in areas posted : ‘Turn
off two way radio’. Obey all signs and instructions.
Note : Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres are often, but not always,
clearly marked. They include fueling areas such as below deck on boats, fuel
or chemical transfer or storage facilities; areas where the air contains
chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust or metal powders; and any other
area where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine.
7.6. Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility:
Nearly every electronic device is susceptible to electromagnetic interference
(EMI) if inadequately shielded, designed or otherwise configured for
electromagnetic compatibility.
Tu rn your unit OFF in any facilities where posted notices instruct you to do so.
Hospitals or health care facilities may be using equipment that is sensitive to
external RF energy.
Tu rn your unit OFF when on board an aircraft when instructed to do so. Any
use of the unit must be accordance with airline regulations or crew
To clean the unit, wipe with a soft cloth dampened with water. Don’t use a
cleaner or solvents on the unit; they can harm the case and leak inside,
causing permanent damage. Battery contacts may be wiped with a dry lint-free
cloth. If the unit gets wet, turn it off and remove the batteries immediately. Dry
the BATTERY COMPARTMENT with a soft cloth to minimize potential water
damage. Leave the cover off the BATTERY COMPARTMENT overnight or until
completely dry. Do not use the unit until completely dry.
This equipment comes with a 24-month warranty. The warranty will be
honoured on presentation of the original or a copy bill or receipt, provided the
date of purchase and the unit type are indicated.
During the time of the warranty Topcom will repair free of charge any defects
caused by material or manufacturing faults. Topcom will at its own discretion
fulfil its warranty obligations by either repairing or exchanging the faulty
Any warranty claims will be invalidated as a result of intervention by the buyer
or unqualified third parties.
Damage caused by inexpert treatment or operation, and damage resulting
from the use of non-original parts or accessories not recommended by
Topcom is not covered by the warranty.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by outside factors, such as
lightning, water and fire, nor does it apply if the unit numbers on the equipment
have been changed, removed or rendered illegible.
Note: Please do not forget to enclose your receipt if you return the equipment.
The CE symbol indicates that the unit complies with the essential
requirements of the R&TTE directive.
Free to use in:
Holland, Ireland, Portugal, Belgium, France, UK, Finland, Greece,
Germany, Austria, Spain, Czech republic, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Norway,
Switzerland, Luxembourg
This product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC.
The Declaration of conformity can be found on :

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