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Babyviewer - KS-4248 KS-4249
1 General
Dear customer,
We request that you read this information in order to quickly
become familiar with this equipment and learn how to use its
2 Information regarding this user guide
This user guide contains information on the Babyviewer KS-4248
KS-4249 (referred to as ‘the equipment’ in the following) and
provides important instructions on the initial use, safety, proper
use and maintenance of this equipment. Always keep the user
guide available near the equipment. Every person responsible for
operating, repairing or cleaning the equipment must read and/or
consult the user guide. Keep this user guide in a safe place and
give it to the next owner of the equipment.
3 Copyright
This document is protected by copyright legislation.
All rights are reserved, including rights of photo mechanical
reproduction, copying or distribution using specific means such as
data processing, data storage media or data networks, either in
full or in part, as well as technical changes and changes to the
5 Proper use
This equipment is exclusively intended for private (non-
professional) use in closed rooms for monitoring babies. All other
forms of use are improper and can lead to hazards. Always follow
the instructions provided in this user guide. No liability is accepted
for any loss or damage resulting from improper use. The user of
the equipment is exclusively responsible for all risks.
6 Safety
6.1 Risk of electric shock
6.2 Using batteries (regular or rechargeable)
6.3 General rules for safe use
To ensure safe use of the equipment, always observe the
following safety instructions:
The equipment must always be assembled by an adult.
During assembly, keep small parts out of the reach of
Do not allow children to play with the equipment or parts
of the equipment.
Ensure that the babyphone and power cable are always
out of the reach of the baby.
Never cover the babyphone with a towel, blanket etc.
Defective components must always be replaced by
original replacement parts, as other components may
not fulfil the safety standards.
Switch off your babyphone whenever this is requested
by a sign, poster, or other message. The equipment
used in hospitals and other health care facilities may be
sensitive to high-frequency signals from external
7 Operation
The babyphone consists of two units: one for the parents and one
for the baby. They are connected by a wireless link compliant with
the 2,4 GHz FHSS standard.
This warning points out an imminent hazardous
Death or severe injuries may result if the hazardous situation
cannot be avoided.
This warning points out a potentially hazardous
Injuries and/or material damage may result if the hazardous
situation cannot be avoided.
This symbol points out information that
makes it easier to use the equipment.
Contact with conductors or components under electrical
tension can be lethal.
Observe the following safety instructions in order to avoid the
risk of electric shock:
To avoid the risk of damage to the equipment, use
only the AC mains adapter supplied with the
Do not use the equipment if the AC mains adapter, the
power cable or the plug is damaged.
Never open the enclosure of the AC mains adapter.
There is a risk of electric shock if you touch any
contacts or connections under electrical tension or if
you modify the electrical or mechanical construction.
Protect the equipment against moisture and moisture
penetration, and keep it free of dust. Unplug the AC
mains adapter immediately in case of contact with
Unplug the AC mains adapter in case of malfunctions,
during thunderstorms, and when cleaning the
Protect the cable against contact with hot surfaces or
other sources of hazard, and do not allow it to be
Failure to use batteries according to instructions can be
Always use batteries (regular or rechargeable) of the
same type.
Ensure that batteries are installed with correct
polarity. Damage to the batteries and the equipment
can result from installation with incorrect polarity.
Never toss batteries into a fire, due to the risk of
Never allow battery terminals to come into contact
with each other or with metal objects, either
intentionally or accidentally. This can cause
overheating, fire or explosion.
Keep batteries out of the reach of children. Consult a
doctor immediately in case of swallowing.
Fluid from leaking batteries can cause permanent
damage to the equipment. Take particular care when
handling damaged or leaking batteries, due to the
risk of corrosion. Wear safety gloves.
Remove the batteries if the equipment will not be
used for an extended period.
No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles,
should be placed on the apparatus
Attention should be drawn to the environmental
aspects of battery disposal.
The apparatus shall not be exposed to tripping or
splashing and that no objects filled with liquids, such
as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.
Danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly
placed. Replace only with the same or equivalent
To prevent injury, this apparatus must be securely
attached to the floor/wall in accordance with the
installation instructions.
Batteries shall not be exposed to excessive heat
such as sunshine, fire or the like.
The AC mains adaptor is used as the disconnect
device, the disconnect device shall remain readily

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