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Use & Care Instruction Manual
Please read all instructions before
using this appliance.
WARNING: Keep this appliance away from
water. Do not use the appliance near or over
water contained in baths, sinks or similar
water filled vessels. The appliance must not
be handled with wet hands, immersed in
water, held under running water or allowed to
become wet in any way. Keep this appliance
out of the reach of children and the infirm.
Young children should be supervised to ensure
that they do not play with the appliance.
This appliance is not intended for use by
persons (including children) with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities,
or lack of experience and knowledge,
unless they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance
by a person responsible for their safety.
Do not leave the appliance unattended.
Do not allow bare skin or the eyes to come
into contact with any heated surface on
the appliance when in use. Do not place an
appliance on any heat-sensitive surfaces
when hot or plugged into the mains.
Always unplug the appliance when not in use.
WARNING: This appliance must not be taken
into the bathroom. For additional protection,
the installation of a residual current device
(RCD) with a rated residual operating current
not exceeding 30 mA is advisable in the
electrical circuit. Ask your installer for advice.
WARNING: Do not block the air inlet or outlet
during use.
When using the appliance, care must be
taken to prevent hair entering the air inlet
opening. The air outlet opening of this
appliance will become hot during use,
avoid touching the outlet or any accessories
attached to the outlet.
NOTE: Use on towel dried hair only.
This product carries the CE mark and
is manufactured in conformity with the
Electromagnetic Directive 2004/108/EC
and the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC.
WARNING: Should this product malfunction,
do not attempt to repair it. This appliance has
no user-serviceable parts or components.
The mains lead of this appliance is fitted with
a 13 Amp (BS1363) rewirable plug fitted with
a 13 Amp fuse. If this is not suitable for the
sockets in the home, it should be removed
and disposed of safely and a suitable plug
should be fitted.
Proceed as follows: The wires in the mains
lead are coloured in accordance with the
following code:
Blue – Neutral
Brown – Live
If the colours of the wires in the mains lead
do not correspond to the coloured markings
identifying the terminals in your plug,
proceed as follows:
The blue wire must be connected to the
terminal marked with the letter N or coloured
black. The brown wire must be connected
to the terminal marked with the letter
L or coloured red. Never connect the
blue or brown wire to the earth pin E,
when using a three pin plug. The appliance
must be protected by a 13 Amp fuse if a
13A (BS1363) plug is used.
This appliance complies with EU
legislation 2002/96/EC on end of
life recycling. Products showing
the ‘Crossed Through’ wheeled bin
symbol on either the rating label, gift box
or instructions must be recycled separately
from household waste at the end of their
useful life.
Please DO NOT dispose of appliance
in normal household waste. Your local
appliance retailer may operate a ‘take-back’
scheme when you are ready to purchase a
replacement product, alternatively contact
your local government authority for further
help and advice on where to take your
appliance for recycling.
For styling hints & tips and to see full details of the other
products scan the code with your smartphone
(standard data rates apply) or visit:
PREP: Infusion Straightener, Professional AC Diffuser Dryer, Compact AC Dryer,
Touch Control Dryer, Daily Conditioning Dryer
CLASSIC: Professional Straightener, Precision Straightener
CREATIVE: Touch Control Straightener, Slim Definer
GLAMOUR: Deep Barrel Waver, Jumbo Tong
CASUAL: Hourglass Wand, Reverse Conical Wand
For more information regarding
TONI&GUY appliances, contact us at:
Email: customer.services@hot-uk.co.uk
Telephone: 0114 290 1455
HOT (UK) Ltd,
Helen of Troy House, 1-4 Jessops Riverside,
800 Brightside Lane, Sheffield,
South Yorkshire S9 2RX England.
TONI&GUY appliances manufactured on
behalf of Helen of Troy Limited. TONI&GUY
and related logos are used under licence
from Unilever plc.
© 2012 Helen of Troy (TGI-237)

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