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The Tomy Baby Monitor is designed to help you monitor your child and is not a substitute for adult supervision.
This product is not a toy. Always keep electrically operated items and their cables out of reach of babies and younger
children. Under no circumstances should you place any part of your monitor in or on a cot.
Ensure all wiring is positioned safely so that children cannot become entangled and that no trip hazard is created.
Under no circumstances should the adaptors supplied with this monitor be used with any other equipment. No
other adaptors than those supplied should be used with your monitor. Be careful not to position the adaptor where
a child is likely to use it as a step. Putting weight on the adaptor while it is plugged in could damage the unit or
cause injury to your child. It is normal for chargers to become hot during use – take care when handling, allow
heat to disperse. DO NOT COVER. Disconnect charger if the product will not be used for several days. To prevent a
shock hazard, please disconnect from power supply before cleaning. The rechargeable battery within the Parent Unit
should be recycled. Do not dispose in normal waste. Do not attempt to dismantle any part of this product.
Removal and replacement of batteries should be carried out by an adult or under adult supervision. Take special
care to ensure batteries are inserted correctly, observing (+) and (-) polarity marks on battery and product. Do not
short circuit the contacts in the battery compartment or the battery terminals. Remove exhausted batteries from
product. Do not mix old (used) and new batteries or batteries of different types, e.g. rechargeable and alkaline or
batteries of different makes/brands. Dispose of exhausted batteries safely, and never dispose of batteries in a re.
Remove batteries from product after use or if storing for long periods. Only use batteries of the same or equivalent
type to those recommended.
Removal and recharging of rechargeable batteries should be carried out by an adult or under adult supervision.
If you are using rechargeable batteries within the Baby Unit, they must be removed from the monitor before
recharging. Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeable batteries.
Should your monitor not be operating as expected, the information listed below should be adequate to resolve your
problems; alternatively a more comprehensive guide can be found on our website: www.tomy.eu
Q. Does my Parent Unit need to be switched on or off whilst charging?
A. Either, your Parent Unit will charge whilst switched on or off, however charging the unit whilst switched on will
allow you to monitor your baby whilst charging.
Q. I have measured the temperature of my baby’s room using another device and I get a different reading
than that of my monitor- why?
A. The temperature measuring device within your Tomy monitor is designed to give you an indication of the baby’s room
temperature to within a small tolerance of + 1°C or - 1°C. Other devices will also have a similar tolerance.
Q. Can I use my monitor abroad?
A. You can use your monitor in the country it was purchased and anywhere in the EU. Although your monitor may
function correctly in other countries, its operating frequency may affect (or be affected by) other devices and could
be illegal. Tomy cannot accept any liability for use outside of the country in which you purchased your monitor or
the EU.
Help the environment by disposing of your product and packaging responsibly. The wheelie
bin symbols indicate the product and batteries must not be disposed of in the domestic waste
as they contain substances which can be damaging to the environment and health. Please
use designated collection points or recycling facilities when disposing of the item or batteries.
My Parent Unit will not
switch ON.
My Baby Unit will not
switch ON.
The Nightlight is active
but I cannot connect
with the Parent Unit.
There is a continuous
beeping noise.
There is a 2 x beep
alarm every minute.
There is a 3 x beep
alarm every minute.
I cannot hear anything
through my Parent Unit.
It’s only intermittent.
My Parent Unit makes a
continuous beeping noise.
My Parent Unit makes a
random beep-beep every
minute or so.
High pitched noise.
Nightlight keeps
switching off.
Battery life after
charging is becoming
I cannot activate the
Multicoloured Nightlight
feature from my Parent
The rechargeable battery (supplied)
has not been installed correctly.
The rechargeable battery maybe below the
critical voltage to activate your monitor.
Mains power is not connected correctly.
Mains power is not connected correctly.
Battery insertion and/or battery life
The Nightlight is being operated
independently of the Baby Unit’s
monitoring function (which is an
intended feature).
Loss of contact alarm.
Low battery in Baby Unit.
Low battery in Parent Unit.
Volume on Parent Unit is set too low.
Units are out of range.
Units are set to Sound Activated mode.
Units are not connecting.
One or both of the Units are running
low on battery power.
Units are too close together.
Volume too high.
The Nightlight is designed to switch
off automatically after 5 minutes to
conserve battery life.
As with any rechargeable battery
it has a nite life and may need
It is not possible to activate the
Multicoloured Nightlight feature from
the Parent Unit.
Insert the battery as instructed within this booklet or the
Quick Start Guide. Once installed place the Parent Unit on
charge and leave for several minutes before switching ON.
Place the Parent Unit on charge and leave for several
minutes before switching ON.
Check the power cable connections
(including wall socket).
Check the power cable connections
(including wall socket).
Check the batteries have adequate charge and are
correctly installed.
Switch the Nightlight OFF by pressing the
then reactivate the Baby Unit’s main function by
pressing and holding the button.
Ensure both units are adequately powered.
Bring both units closer together and repeat the
‘Set-Up’ instructions.
Replace batteries.
Or switch to mains (AC) using the adaptor supplied.
Recharge batteries.
Increase Parent Unit volume or place into the
Docking Station to activate High Denition Sound.
Move units closer.
Refer to Sound Activated Monitoring within this
instruction booklet.
Ensure both units are adequately powered and then
follow the ‘Set-Up’ guide within this booklet.
Identify the low battery condition and either
recharge/replace batteries or switch to mains power.
Move units apart.
Decrease volume.
For continual use please switch to mains power.
Please visit our website for replacement parts:
Activate the Nightlight and then press and hold the
button from the Baby Unit.
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