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Excellent 8 Android 4.0 Tablet QUICK START GUIDE
Many thanks for purchasing this Excellent 8 Android 4.0 tablet.
This is a brief guide that enables you to get going straight away. The detailed guide for your
tablet can be found on our website helpdesk.tom-tec.eu/android4-en
Check our website regularly for firmware-updates for your tablet.
Switching on and off
To switch on your tablet, hold down the on/off button (button no. 12, see the chapter “First-
time use”) on the right side of your tablet for 5 seconds. As soon as your tablet comes on,
the unlock screen will appear.
Hold down the lock and do the following:
Drag the lock to the unlock icon (to the right): this takes you to the start screen.
Drag the lock to the camera icon (to the left): this takes you straight to the camera
To switch off your tablet, hold down the on/off button (button no. 12) until the dialog box
“Do you want to switch off?” appears; then touch “OK” to switch off.
Sleep mode:
To spare the battery, you can put your tablet in sleep mode by turning off the LCD screen.
To do this, press the on/off button. You can then turn on the screen again by pressing the
same button again.
First-time use
Front view Side view Rear view
1. Vol -
Press to reduce volume
2. Vol+
Press to increase volume
3. Menu button
Touch to view the menu options
Note: If the Menu button is touched while you are in an
application, the submenu of the relevant application
4. ESC button
Touch to return to the previous screen. If the keypad is in use,
close the keypad.
5. Camera
0.3M camera
6. USB port
For USB stick, keyboard and mouse, USB 3G dongle, etc.
7. SD card port
Opening for SD card.
8. Mini USB port
To connect to a computer
(e.g. music, videos, photos and other files).
9. Headphones
To connect headphones.
10. Power jack
(DC input)
To connect a 5V adapter.
11. MIC
12. Power button
On/off button
13. Reset hole
Reset opening; Use a paperclip or a small sharp object to
press in lightly.
14. Speaker
Charging the battery
This device has a built-in rechargeable battery. Charge your tablet when it indicates that
the battery is almost empty.
To charge the battery, connect the device to any standard power socket with the aid of
the power adapter.
Note: ONLY use the power adapter (model: 5V 2.0A) supplied with the device for this
purpose. Use of an alternative adapter invalidates the guarantee.
Connecting to PC via USB lead:
You can connect your tablet to your computer using the USB lead supplied, enabling you
to exchange media files if you work with Windows 7 or Vista.
For Windows XP, Windows Media Player 11 must first be installed before you can exchange
media files. For Mac visit: www.android.com/filetransfer.
Open the application Settings to open the settings menu. In this menu, you can view and
set the following options: wireless & networks, sound, screen, storage, battery, accounts
&sync, security, language, date &time, about this tablet, etc.
Wifi: select the menu “Wireless & networks” to activate wifi and search for networks. A list of
wifi networks found within the range will then appear. Select the wifi network you want to
connect to (you might have to enter a password for the network in question).
Display: here, you can set the following options: brightness, wallpaper, sleep timer, font size.
Storage: here, you can view the internal memory. If you have connected a Micro SD card
or USB storage device, you can view the total and available memory space on your Micro
SD card or USB device via this option.
First disconnect before safely removing the memory device.
Battery: here, you can view the status of the battery.
Language & input: here, you can set the language and the keypad to be used.
Back-up & reset: this takes you to the submenu "Create a back-up of my data " and
"Restore factory settings". If you choose to restore factory settings, all data in the internal
memory of your tablet will be deleted. Think carefully before using this option.
About your tablet: here, you can find information about your tablet, such as the model
number, the Android version, etc.
Start screen
a. Google search
Touch to open the Google search screen.
b. Voice search
Touch to open the voice-activated search option.
c. Apps Launcher
Touch to see all applications installed.
d. ESC button
Touch to return to the previous screen/the previous page.
e. Home
Touch to return to the start screen
f. Recent applications
Touch to see your most recent applications.
g. Connect to PC
If there is a connection with a PC, this icon appears here.
h. System time
Shows the current time of the system.
i. Wifi
Wifi signal is shown here if your tablet is wifi connected.
j. Battery status
Shows the status of the battery.
Change wallpaper for start screen:
Hold down any blank area of the start screen with your finger and a pop-up window with
options will appear; you can choose a wallpaper from Gallery, Moving Wallpapers or
Add/remove applications in the start screen:
There are various apps in the start screen; you can add favourite apps to this start screen,
and remove those you use less often.
Touch the app launcher in the top right corner to open the panel with all apps, drag the
required app to the start screen.
To remove an app from the start screen, hold down the relevant app and drag it to the
Remove icon
Add widgets to the start screen:
Touch the Apps Launcher  Touch WIDGETS. There is an analogue clock, bookmarks, a
calendar, e-mail and a whole load of other widgets. Drag the required widget to the start
Tips: in addition to your start screen, you can open four other panels by sliding your start
screen to the left or right. You can also customise these panels.
Installing and managing applications
To install an app: Open APKinstaller “install” choose between installing from the
internal memory and from the SD card touch the .apk file you want to install and follow
the instructions.
To manage an app: Open APKinstaller “manage” you can launch, export or remove
an application.
With the Market app you can download and install all apps which are available for
your tablet.
In order to use the Market, you must open the application Settings, go to the category
Apps and activate the option “Show Google Apps in Launcher” at the top right of the
You can then find the Market in the Apps Launcher.
If you want to use Android Market, you must use your current Google Account or register a
new account.
In Market, the following options are available:
Search: with this option, you can search for apps which are available for your tablet.
My apps: here, you can manage and modify all installed apps.
Menu: this menu contains all the application’s other options.
If you are connected to a wifi network, you can connect to the Internet. Touch the Browser
icon to open the browser and then enter the address of the website you want to visit.
You can find the Explorer app in the Apps Launcher ; with this app, you can manage
the files you have stored on a micro SD card, in the internal memory or on a USB device.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Tomtec ATP7483 - Excellent 8 Android 2.3

Tomtec ATP7483 - Excellent 8 Android 2.3 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Tomtec ATP7483 - Excellent 8 Android 2.3 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Tomtec ATP7483 - Excellent 8 Android 2.3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

Tomtec ATP7483 - Excellent 8 Android 2.3 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Tomtec ATP7483 - Excellent 8 Android 2.3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 27 pagina's

Tomtec ATP7483 - Excellent 8 Android 2.3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 24 pagina's

Tomtec ATP7483 - Excellent 8 Android 2.3 Snelstart handleiding - Français - 1 pagina's

Tomtec ATP7483 - Excellent 8 Android 2.3 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 26 pagina's

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