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Déclaration d’exposition aux rayonnements IC :
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition aux rayonnements définies par la norme
IC RSS-102 pour un environnement non contrôlé.
Cet appareil et son ou ses antenne(s) ne doivent pas être placés à proximité d’un autre
émetteur ou d’une autre antenne, ou manipulés simultanément avec ces derniers.
Les utilisateurs finaux doivent respecter les instructions d’utilisation spécifiques pour satisfaire
les normes d’exposition aux fréquences radio. Pour respecter les exigences en matière de
conformité de l’exposition aux fréquences radio IC, veuillez suivre les instructions d’utilisation
décrites dans ce manuel.
Triman logo
Certification for Australia
This product displays the Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM) to show that it complies with
relevant Australian regulations.
Certification for New Zealand
This product displays R-NZ to show it complies with relevant New Zealand regulations.
TomTom MyDrive app
This device is compatible with the TomTom MyDrive mobile application which may be downloaded
from the appstores. The use of the TomTom MyDrive mobile application on your smartphone
and any integration with your product will require that your smartphone has a wireless data
service plan provided by a third-party wireless service carrier. The procurement of and all charges
associated with such a connectivity plan are your responsibility. TomTom shall not be liable for any
costs or expenses associated with such network connectivity plan (such as the data charges or
possible tethering fees which may be imposed by your carrier). Any changes to the availability or
reliability of the network connection may impact the operation of certain TomTom services which
may be oered on this device.
Responsible Party in North America
TomTom, Inc., 11 Lafayette Street, Lebanon, New Hampshire, NH 03766.
Terms and Conditions: Limited warranty and EULA
Our terms and conditions, including our limited warranty and end user licence terms apply to this
product. Visit tomtom.com/legal.
This document
Great care was taken in preparing this document. Constant product development may mean that
some information is not entirely up to date. The information is subject to change without notice.
TomTom shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein, nor for
incidental or consequential damages resulting from the performance or use of this document. This
document may not be copied without the prior written consent from TomTom N.V.
Model numbers
TomTom GO Expert: 4YB60, 4YB70

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Andere handleiding(en) van TomTom GO Expert

TomTom GO Expert Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 21 pagina's

TomTom GO Expert Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 21 pagina's

TomTom GO Expert Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 21 pagina's

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