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The ROC 6306 is a universal remote control (6 in 1). It can replace 6 remote controls thanks to its
6 mode keys TV, DVD, VCR,... It is compatible with the majority of television sets, video cassette
recorders, DVD players, satellite and cable receivers as well as terrestrial digital television (DVBT),
amplifiers and other audio equipment provided they are controlled by infra red signals.
This remote control has been factory programmed to allow you to use it immediately with the
majority of Thomson Group devices.We therefore advise you to try it before beginning to program it.
If programming is necessary, follow one of the methods A, B, C, D or E that are given in this manual.
But first, install 2 batteries (AAA) in the remote control.
Keep these instructions and the separate list of codes in a safe place so that you can later reprogram
your remote control.
1 I ndicator lamp: the red indicator lamp lights up when
any key is pressed.
2 B: On / Standby.
3 R emote control mode
Selects device to control TV, DVD,VCR,...
4 B (Play): play*.
5 F (FF): fast forward *.
6 L (STOP): stop playback*.
7 K (Pause): stops on an image*.
8 I (EXIT): teletext Off in TV mode.
SHIFT and EXIT: turns off the menu of the
selected product.
9 VOL-/VOL+ increases (+) or decreases (-) the
volume of the TV set.
SHIFT and VOL-/VOL+ also allows you to
navigate the menus horizontally.
1 0 S: programmes the remote control.
SHIFT: activates the secondary key features
(indications in blue).
1 1 Number keys 0 to 9: these keys have the same
functions as those of your original remote and are
also used to enter the codes for different products.
1 2 Press this key first before you type in the 2-digit
channel number (except for Thomson group
1 3 AV: for selecting an external source (SCART).
1 4 c: switches the TV sound off.
SHIFT and OK: confirms a selection.
1 5 PROG+,PROG-: programmes zapping button
(received by the television set or the satellite
receiver); use to scroll vertically through menus
SHIFT and PROG+/PROG- also allow you to
navigate the menus vertically.
1 6 a (MENU): teletext On/Off in TV mode.
SHIFT and MENU: turns on the menu of the
selected products.
1 7 M (RECORD): to record.
1 8 G (REW): goes backward or advances forward*.
* The coloured buttons can be used to select categories
when teletext is activated, and specific functions
depending on the make.
2 - Te sting the remote control
before programming
1. T urn on the device that you wish to control.
2. P ress the key corresponding (3) to the type of device
to control:
TV: television set,
DVD: DVD player,
VCR: video cassette recorder,
DVB-T: DVBT receiver,
SAT: satellite,
AUX: other devices.
3. P oint the remote control at the device you wish to
control and try to turn it off using the
(2) key.
I f the device does not turn off, you must program the
remote control using one of the methods A, B, C or
D as described below.
1 - Description of keys
3 - Programming
the remote control
Before you start programming, you must find the subcode of
the set to be controlled.
Refer to the list provided with these instructions, page I of the
1 S witch on the set you want to control.
2. Hold down the S (10) key until the red indicator
lamp (1) remains lit (the indicator light remains on
for a few seconds to give you the time to proceed with
the following steps. The indicator lamp flashes when
this time is almost up, and then goes off).
3. P ress the key (3) that corresponds to the type of
equipment you want to control:
TV: television set,
DVD: DVD player,
VCR: video cassette recorder,
DVB-T: DVBT receiver,
SAT: satellite,
AUX: other devices.
4. W hile the indicator is lit, type in the subcode (example:
1 fo
5. D irect the remote control towards the set and try to
switch it off by pressing the
(2) key.
6. I f the set you want to control switches off, press
c (14) to memorise the subcode.
7. If the product doesn’t turn off, press the
(2) key
repeatedly until the set switches off. Wait approximately
one second between key presses to give the red
indicator lamp (1) enough time to go off and
light up again. This will allow you to see whether the
product responds or not.
8. I mmediately upon the switching-off of the set to be
controlled, press c (14) to store the subcode.
If you want to assign another type of product than those
mentioned on the remote control (with the exception of the
TV button which can only be used to control a television set),
begin by entering the code that corresponds to the product you
want to programme (a 4-digit code that you will find in the code
booklet – see method B).
Example: if you want to control a satellite receiver with the
DVD key, begin by entering a satellite code (any satellite, for
example: 0603 for a Thomson satellite receiver) then begin
the procedure.
Check of the programming:
In principle, your set is ready for receiving the remote control
commands. Check your remote control for proper functioning by
performing the test described on page 3.
Method A Fast programming with
1-digit subcode
01_ROC6306_GB.indd 1 8/12/06 9:51:09

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Andere handleiding(en) van Thomson ROC6306 6in1

Thomson ROC6306 6in1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 3 pagina's

Thomson ROC6306 6in1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 3 pagina's

Thomson ROC6306 6in1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 3 pagina's

Thomson ROC6306 6in1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 3 pagina's

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