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another power source
The refrigerator does not
work on gas
the valve of the gas bottle and all shut-off valves
another power source.
What can I do, when the refrigerator does not
start? Check if you switched on the refrigerator
according to the instructions, if the vehicle stands
level or if there is an available energy source to
start the refrigerator with. If none of this is the
case, please contact your dealer or a Thetford
Service Centre.
The refrigerator does not cool sufficiently,
what can I do? Check if the vents aren’t covered
or blocked from the outside and remove the
mosquito screen if present. Check if the
refrigerator stands level, if the highest cooling
level of the refrigerator is selected, if the door of
the refrigerator still closes properly or if there
is not too much ice on the cooling fins. If none of
this is the case, please contact your dealer or a
Thetford Service Centre.
All lights on the control panel are blinking,
what should I do? Switch the refrigerator off and
on again. If the problem still exists, please contact
your dealer or a Thetford Service Centre.
I just replaced the batteries, but the ‘batteries
empty’ symbol is already blinking. What is wrong?
for this function.
No winter cover is supplied with my refrigerator,
is this correct? The winter cover is an accessory
for your refrigerator, which you can purchase at
your dealer.
Spare parts
your own dealer or an authorised Thetford Service
17 Warranty
Thetford BV offers the end users of its products a
three-year guarantee. In the case of malfunction
within the warranty period, Thetford will replace
or repair the product at its discretion. In this case,
the costs of replacement, labour costs for the
replacement of defective components and/or
the costs of the parts themselves will be paid
by Thetford.
1. To make a claim under this guarantee,
the user must take the product to his dealer
or an authorised Thetford Service Centre
(www.thetford-europe.com). The claim will
be assessed there.
2. Components replaced during repair under
guarantee become the property of Thetford.
3. This warranty does not prejudice current
consumer protection laws.
4. This warranty is not valid in the case of products
that are for, or are used for, commercial purposes.
5. Guarantee claims falling into one of the
following categories will not be accepted:
instructions in the manual have not been followed;
repaired by an unauthorised Thetford Service
circumstances outside the normal use of
the product.
6. The guarantee is only valid for Thetford
refrigerators that are built in in a caravan of
Thetford is not liable for any loss and/or damage
caused directly or indirectly by use of the
Thetford is not responsible for printing errors and reserves the right to
make changes to product specifications without notice.
13 Defrosting
A layer of ice on the cooling fins will decrease
the cooling capacity and durability of your
refrigerator. Therefore your refrigerator is
provided with an automatic defrost system,
which prevents ice formation.
Despite this system, it is also possible to manually
food, wrap it tightly in newspaper and put it in a
cold place or in an insulated bag. Then remove the
drawer (only for models C1 and C2) and leave the
doors open. Put dry towels in the refrigerator to
catch the remaining water. When the refrigerator
is defrosted, thoroughly dry the inside.
Do not speed up the defrosting process by
removing the ice layer with force or sharp
objects or by using a hairdryer.
14 Storage
If you do not expect to use your refrigerator for a
longer period, it is important to thoroughly empty,
defrost and clean the complete refrigerator. Then
install the winter cover over the vents, to protect
your refrigerator during storage.
To prevent odours and mould in the refrigerator,
keep the refrigerator door, as well as the freezer
compartment door, open during storage. External
doors are equipped with a storage lock.
For model A and model B
rotate the storage lock and
secure it by using the strike
plate, as illustrated.
For model C1 and model C2
first open the door and
rotate the storage lock, as
illustrated. Then close the
door until you hear the first
click. Make sure the door is
still a bit open.
When you use the
refrigerator after storage,
always make sure to rotate
the storage lock back to its
original position.
Make sure the gas taps of the gas bottle are
closed during storage.
Water through the vents may damage your
refrigerator. Therefore install winter covers
before washing your vehicle.
15 Disposal
Your refrigerator has been designed and
manufactured with high quality materials and
components, which can be recycled and reused.
The cooling system contains ammonia as the
coolant and ozone friendly cyclopentane as the
blowing agent in the foam.
When your refrigerator has reached its end of
life, dispose the product according to the local
rules. Do not dispose the refrigerator with normal
household waste. The correct disposal of your
old product will help prevent potential negative
consequences to the environment and human
16 Questions?
If you require further information or have any
questions about your refrigerator, please visit
our website www.thetford-europe.com. If you still
have questions, contact the Customer Service
Department in your country or your holiday
location (see the addresses on the back).
For correct and efficient support, please ensure
all relevant product type information is available
(see page 211).
Some problems are indicated through blinking
lights on your control panel. First read the
instructions below. If this will not solve the
problem, contact your dealer or a Thetford Service
The refrigerator does not
sure any power source is available
The refrigerator does not
work on 230V
refrigerator on another power source
The refrigerator does not
work on 12V
check if the 12V fuse in the fuse box of your motor

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Andere handleiding(en) van Thetford N3150

Thetford N3150 Installatiehandleiding - Alle talen - 37 pagina's

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