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- Set display type, (i.e. which information is shown in the display,
also see page 25).
3. The check is completed. The display automatically switches back
to the original state.
4.7 Temporarily Changing the Target
With this function, you can temporarily change the target tempera-
ture given by the program. The changed target temperature is not
saved long-term. It only remains set until the next temperature chan-
ge of the program (e.g. from comfort to lower temperature).
Note: If one of the programs Perm. comfort, Perm. lower or
Frost is set, the temperature change remains until the program
1. Press one of the buttons or .The display shows the set target
2. Change the target temperature with the buttons or .
3. After approx. 3 seconds, the display automatically switches back
to its original state, and the room thermostat regulates to the
changed target temperature.
4.8 Early Cancellation, Check or Clearance of
the Holiday Program
If you want to cancel an activated holiday program early, you must
clear the holiday program.
Note: The setting of the holiday program is described in section 5.1
on page 21.
1. Push the slideswitch switch to the MENU setting.
2. With the buttons or , select the option
Confirm with the OK button.
3. With the buttons or , select the desired option and confirm
with the OK button:
CHECK: By repeated pressing of the OK button, you can check
all settings of the saved holiday program one after the other
(start or end time, temperature).
CLEAR: By pressing the OK button, the saved holiday program
is cleared.
You can now program a new holiday program (see section 5.1
on page 21) or set the desired temperature profile (automatic
program) a the selection switch (see section 4.5 on page 19).
3. The display changes automatically
to the date setting.
Set the year, month and date one
after the other. Confirm each setting
with the OK button. The display
changes automatically.
4. The display automatically changes to the set automatic mode,
e.g. display of the target temperature.
Note: The time and date can also be changed in the Service menu
(see page 25). There you can also set the changeover from winter to
summer time.
4.5 Selecting the
Temperature Profile
4.5.1 Program P1 (fixed program)
Comfort temperature Mo-Fr from 6 a.m. - 10 p.m. as well as Sa-Su
from 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. In between lower temperature.
4.5.2 Program P2 (fixed program)
Comfort temperature Mo-Fr from 6 - 8 a.m. and from 4 to 10 p.m.
as well as Sa-Su from 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. In between lower temperature.
4.5.3 Program P3 (freely programmable)
The program P3 is an individually programmable temperature profile.
Program P3 is not programmed when delivered. For programming
see page 22.
4.5.4 Permanent comfort
The room temperature is permanently regulated to the programmed
comfort temperature. There is no reduction.
4.5.5 Permanent reduction
The room temperature is permanently regulated to the programmed
lower temperature.
4.5.6 Antifreezing
The room thermostat only comes on when the room temperature
falls below the programmed antifreeze temperature.
4.6 Checking Current Room Temperature and
Settings - lnfo Button
With the lnfo button you can display the current room temperature as
well as all important settings of the switch for program selection.
1. Press the Info button. The current room temperature is shown in
the display for approx. 3 seconds. In order to continue with the
check, press the lnfo button again.
2. This way you can check the following information one after the other:
- Room temperature
- Currently active target temperature
- Date and time
- Switch times of the set program and the fixed programmed tem-
perature profiles and switch times are described in section 4.5.
TEDESCO/INGLESE 10/01/2005 25-01-2005 12:04 Pagina 21

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Theben RAMSES 822 KRISTALL top Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

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