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Secondary clock
309697 03
Designated use
With the OSIRIA KNX clocks, a secondary clock system can be
set up using the cable network of a KNX system. The clock is
synchronised via a time message from the KNX bus.
The OSIRIA KNX secondary clocks are suitable for installation
in, among other places, sales rooms, factories, halls, schools or
public buildings.
ETS (Engineering Tool Software) enables application programs
to be selected, specific parameters and addresses to be as-
signed and transferred to the device.
The device is designed for wall installation. Only to be used in
closed, dry rooms.
Insert bus line in bus terminal of the control unit.
Note polarity: red = +, black = –
Press program button .
The programming LED lights up.
– Device is in program mode.
Start-up, diagnostics and configuration are handled via the ETS
(Engineering Tool Software V3 or V4).
The double-sided clock OSIRIA KNX has 2 control units.
Therefore both clocks must be registered in the KNX bus.
Loosen screws on the top and bottom of the clock.
Connect both clocks to the KNX bus.
Assign physical addresses for both clocks.
Please note the provisions of EN 50428 for switches or similar
installation material for use in building systems technology
with regard to the correct installation of bus lines and device
start-up procedure.
Tampering with, or making modifications to, the device will
invalidate the guarantee.
When receiving carrier signals for the first time, a zeroing
will take place after approx. 5 s, meaning the hour and
minute hands are set to the 12 o' clock position.
Then the clock automatically sets itself to
the appropriate time.
Safety instructions
Installation should only be carried out by a professional
Mount OSIRIA 251 BQ not below a height of 2 m, since
the clock has only a limited ball impact resistance (accor-
ding to DIN 18032-3); see mounting instruction on the
back of the clock.
Enter physical address
Technical data
Operating voltage: Bus voltage KNX
Current consumption from the bus:
max. 10 mA in Setting mode
max. 8 mA in Normal mode
Permissible ambient temperature:
–5 °C ... +45 °C
Power reserve: 10 days
Protection class: III in accordance with EN 60730-1
• Protection rating: IP 20 in accordance with EN 60529
The ETS database is available at www.theben.de
Please refer to the KNX Handbook for detailed functional
Service address
Theben AG
Hohenbergstr. 32
72401 Haigerloch
Phone +49 7474 692-0
Fax +49 7474 692-150
Phone +49 7474 692-369
Fax +49 7474 692-207
Addresses, telephone numbers etc.
Bus connection
Device to fasten the clock (from 415 mm)
Device to fasten the clock (up to 315 mm)
Clock unit
Programming push button and LED for the physical address
Bus terminal for bus connection: ensure correct polarity
Control unit

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Andere handleiding(en) van Theben OSIRIA 240 AR KNX 5009230

Theben OSIRIA 240 AR KNX 5009230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Theben OSIRIA 240 AR KNX 5009230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 10 pagina's

Theben OSIRIA 240 AR KNX 5009230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 16 pagina's

Theben OSIRIA 240 AR KNX 5009230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Theben OSIRIA 240 AR KNX 5009230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 15 pagina's

Theben OSIRIA 240 AR KNX 5009230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 10 pagina's

Theben OSIRIA 240 AR KNX 5009230 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 1 pagina's

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