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1144..44.. SSeettttiinngg pprreesseennccee ssiimmuullaattiioonn
BBeehhaavviioouurr oonn ddaayy ooff iinniittiiaall ssttaarrtt--uupp::
A basic simulation is already stored. The presence simulation function can
therefore be activated on the day of installation.
Only those switching channels whose control LED illuminate in pro-
gramming are also switched on when the switch is activated.
Set central switch to Pos. .
LED on the basic and
any connected upgrade devices must illuminate.
DDeelliivveerreedd ssttaattuuss::
All channels are activated (all LEDs illuminate).
- Each time a manual key is pressed, the corresponding LED illuminates and
extinguishes alternately.
- If an LED is illuminated, this channel is activated during presence simula-
- If an LED is not illuminated, this channel is
activated for presence
xaammppllee ((sseeee FFiigg..))
C1, C2, C3 switch ON.
C4 does not switch on if presence
simulation is activated.
EEnnddiinngg pprrooggrraammmmiinngg::
Resetting central switch
to Pos.
FFuunnccttiioonn ((wwiitthh LLUUXXOORR 440000))::
The presence simulation function recreates daily procedures of the selected
switching outputs. These are saved over a week and continuously updated.
If the switch connected to terminal is now pressed, (e.g. for absence,
holiday etc.), the presence simulation function starts at the defined switching
outputs for the period of activation. The light is switched on and off in line
with the day’s events.
1155..00 CChhaannggiinngg pprrooggrraammmmiinngg
You would like to adjust/change the assignment of the
participating channels for the central function (with
LUXOR 400):
Set the central switch to the required
position - panic , central OFF , presence simulation or central ON .
LED and control LEDs of the current user channels illuminate.
CChhaannnneell sshhoouulldd nnoo lloonnggeerr
ppaarrttiicciippaattee iinn aa cceennttrraall ffuunnccttiioonn::
Presence simulation, see Fig. 1 below.
Briefly press the manual key for the channel to be changed until the
control LED has gone out (see Fig.1, channel C3).
CChhaannnneell ccaann nnooww ppaarrttiicciippaattee iinn aa cceennttrraall ffuunnccttiioonn::
Press the manual key for the channel to be changed until the control LED
lights up (see Fig. 2, channel C3).
EEnnddiinngg pprrooggrraammmmiinngg::
Reset central switch back to Pos.
(with LUXOR 400): Only those switching channels whose control LED
illuminate in programming position also switch on when the central ON
key is activated.
Resetting central switch to Pos. . The
LED on the basic and
any connected upgrade devices must illuminate.
DDeelliivveerreedd ssttaattuuss::
All channels are activated (all LEDs illuminate).
- Each time a manual key is pressed, the corresponding LED illuminates and
extinguishes alternately.
- If an LED is illuminated, this channel is activated for the central function.
- If an LED is not illuminated, this channel is
activated for the central
EExxaammppllee ((sseeee FFiigg..))
C1, C2, C3 switch ON.
C4 does not switch ON when
Central ON is activated.
EEnnddiinngg pprrooggrraammmmiinngg::
Resetting central switch
to Pos.
1144..33 SSeettttiinngg cceennttrraall OONN
(with LUXOR 400): Only those switching channels whose control LED
illuminate in programming position also switch off when the central OFF
key is activated.
Resetting central switch to Pos. . The
LED on the basic and
any connected upgrade devices must illuminate.
DDeelliivveerreedd ssttaattuuss::
All channels are activated (all LEDs illuminate).
- Each time a manual key is pressed, the corresponding LED illuminates and
extinguishes alternately.
- If an LED is illuminated, this channel is activated for the central function.
- If an LED is not illuminated, this channel is
activated for the central
EExxaammppllee ((sseeee FFiigg..))
C1, C2, C3 switch OFF.
C4 does not switch OFF when
Central OFF is activated.
EEnnddiinngg pprrooggrraammmmiinngg::
Resetting central switch
to Pos.
1144..22 SSeettttiinngg cceennttrraall OOFFFF
EEnndd pprrooggrraammmmiinngg::
Resetting central switch to

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Andere handleiding(en) van Theben LUXOR 404

Theben LUXOR 404 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 6 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 404 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 23 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 404 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 6 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 404 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 6 pagina's

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