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Alternatively use an oil changing kit:
1. Suck the oil up through the oil filler hole using the
syringe. (See the section Identification of parts, Pos
C.) Use the hose as an extension piece to reach the
bottom of the engine. Transfer the used oil to the
accompanying container.
2. Fill the engine with new oil, type SAE30.
Check the oil level using the dipstick on the oil bung
Remember to dispose of the used oil so that it is not harmful to nature.
Use your local recycling station. Oil and oil changing kit is not included.
Spark plug
1. Remove the spark plug cap.
2. Brush off dirt from the top of spark plug.
3. Use a spark plug wrench to loosen the spark plug.
4. Check that the isolation is intact.
5. Clean the spark plug with a steel brush.
6. Measure the electrode distance. Be careful not to damage the electrode.
7. The distance should be: 0,7 - 0,8 mm
8. If the spark plug is undamaged refit. Otherwise replace it.
9. Mount the spark plug cap.
Air filter
The fir filter must be checked and cleaned regularly. If the filter has not been cleaned for
some time, the power of the engine is reduced, and the engine may be damaged.
B&S engine: Please see the separate B&S engine manual.
Storing and maintenance
Maintain your lawnmower on a regular basic:
Check all bolts, screws and deck. Always make sure the knife is sharp. It is
recommended that the knife is changed every 2 years.
It is a good idea to let your local service shop check your lawnmower once a year.
Storing: Keep the lawnmower in dry clean room. Clean the machine every time it
has been used. Grass and dirt must be removed from the inside of the cutting deck.
Tilt the front of the lawnmower for cleaning, maximum 45 degrees. If you tilt it to the
side, the carburettor and air filter must always turn up. If it does not turn up, the oil
may run out and damage the engine. Always make sure the cap is removed from
the spark plug when the lawnmower is being maintained.

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