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TerraTec Cinergy S USB
16.10.2009– Page 1 – Subject to change without notice.
Pictures might vary. © TerraTec Electronic GmbH
All company names and trademarks are registered
trademarks and brand names of their respective owners.
DVB-S Tuner & Digital video recorder
DVB-S USB 2.0 TV and radio tuner
Digital video recorder with editing functions
Incl. Remote contol
MAGIX Movies on DVD TV Edition
Incl. TerraTec Home Cinema software:
TerraTec Home Cinema turns television on the computer into an experience. Whether internal
or external TV card, whether digital (DVB-T, DVB-S, DVB-C) or analogue (antenna, cable) – the
possibilities of turning your computer into a television are endless. Use a PCI card and a USB
box, for example, to record a program and simultaneously view another one or record several
broadcasts. All TerraTec TV cards can be freely combined for this purpose.
In addition to the usual functions, such as time-shifted television, electronic program guide (EPG)
and digital video recorder, the TerraTec Home Cinema offers a few innovations: With remote
programming via the Internet, the current television program can be conveniently searched and
a recording can be programmed with a click of the mouse. For this purpose, TerraTec Home
Cinema accesses the established service of tvtv.de – an annual subscription is included in the
purchase price (download: 60-day version). The computer wakes up at home from standby or
the idle state on time and the desired broadcast automatically lands on the hard disk.
Even easier are recordings using the electronic program guide during the broadcast – simply
press the corresponding button on the remote control. No matter how you plan your
recordings: They can already be viewed while the recording is still running!
More new functions of the TerraTec Home Cinemas include: Automatic optimization of the
aspect ratio, recording of Dolby Digital (AC3), video text and subtitles, support of DVB radio and
customizable lists of favorites (genre, location), multi-tuner support and constantly available help
functions as well as the advertising editor Cut! which allows for easily cutting advertising blocks –
easier than ever before.
Slim and resource-saving, intuitive operation, yet very extensive – the TerraTec Home Cinema
fully exploits the possibilities of television on the computer!

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Andere handleiding(en) van Terratec Cinergy S USB

Terratec Cinergy S USB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Terratec Cinergy S USB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanôl - 6 pagina's

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