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Removing the steaming cups
Use oven gloves. Remove the lid by the handle. Remove the
cups using the holder handle. Take the cups out of the holder
and remove the lids (if your recipe uses lids). If necessary
you can cool the cups by standing them in cold water. Do
this using the holder. Wait until the cups are at room
temperature before placing them in the refrigerator. Serve
the recipe in the cups.
Maintenance and cleaning
Cleaning the steamer
Unplug the steamer after use.
Allow it to cool completely before cleaning.
Check that the steamer has cooled completely before
emptying the juice collector and water tank.
Wash all removable parts using warm water and washing up
liquid, rinse and dry.
All parts except the power supply base are dishwasher safe.
Descaling your steamer
For best results, descale the steamer after every 8 uses.
To do this:
Remove the juice collector
Pour 1 litre of cold water into the water tank
Add 1 glass (about 150 ml) of white vinegar (available from
hardware stores)
Leave it to descale overnight
Rinse out the inside of the water tank several times using
warm water.
Do not use other scale removing products.
Store the steaming cups with the lids inside the juice collector.
Turn basket 1 upside down on to the base
Put the two cooking trays on top of bowl 1
- fig. 18.
Put bowl 2 inside bowl 3, then turn them both upside down
and place them on the base. Put the cups holder on top and
then the lid
- fig.19.
Do no immerse the power
supply base in water.
Do not use abrasive
cleaning products.
All parts can be stored
inside the steamer.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Tefal VS4003 VITACUISINE COMPACT

Tefal VS4003 VITACUISINE COMPACT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 70 pagina's

Tefal VS4003 VITACUISINE COMPACT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Tefal VS4003 VITACUISINE COMPACT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi - 70 pagina's

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