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Read the instructions in this leaflet carefully and keep them within reach. They apply to every version de-
pending on the accessories that come with your appliance.
If an accident occurs, rinse the burn immediately with cold water and call a doctor if necessary.
Cooking fumes may be dangerous for animals which have a particularly sensitive respiratory system, such
as birds, We advise bird owners to keep them away from the cooking area.
Fully unwind the power cord.
When using for the first time, wash the plate(s) or the dish or the stone (refer to “after use” paragraph),
pour a little cooking oil on the plate or on the inside of the pot and then wipe it with an absorbent kitchen
If an extension cord is used, make sure to choose one of equivalent diameter with an earthed socket (for
earthed products). If an extention cord is used, make sure to choose one of equivalent diameter (for non
earthed products).
• Always plug the appliance into an earthed socket.
• Position the cord carefully, whether an extension is used or not, so that guests can move freely around
the table without tripping over it.
To avoid damaging the non-stick coating of the cooking plate, always use plastic or wooden utensils.
The cooking plates, the tray and the body of the appliance can be cleaned with a sponge, hot water and
washing up liquid.
Caution : this appliance is not a toy.
Do not
Never leave the appliance unattended when plugged in.
Never run the appliance empty.
To prevent the appliance from overheating, do not place it in a corner or against a wall.
Never place the appliance directly on a fragile surface (glass table, tablecloth, varnished furniture, etc.) or
on a soft surface such as a tea-towel.
Do not place cooking utensils on the cooking surfaces of the appliance.
To avoid spoiling your product, do not use flambé recipes in connection with it at any time.
Never cut directly in the dish.
Never use metal scourers or scouring powders to avoid damaging the cooking surface (e.g.:non-stick coat-
ing, …).
For your safety, this appliance complies with the standards and regulations that apply (Low Voltage, Elec-
tromagnetic Compatibility, Food Contact Materials, Environment, etc.).
Do not consume foodstuff that comes into contact with the parts marked with logo .
Environment protection first!
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled.
Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
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