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Read the instructions carefully as well
as the safety guidelines before use.
• For your safety, this appliance complies with the applicable standards and regulations (Low Voltage
Directive, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Environmental…).
• The appliance’s accessories become very hot during use. Avoid contact with the skin.
Make sure that the supply cord never comes into contact with the hot parts of the appliance.
• Check that the voltage of your electricity supply matches the voltage of your appliance. Any error
when connecting the appliance can cause irreparable harm, not covered by the guarantee.
• For additional protection, the installation of a
residual current device (RCD) having a rated re-
sidual operating current not exceeding 30 mA is
advisable in the electrical circuit supplying the
bathroom. Ask for installer for advice.
• The installation of the appliance and its use must however comply with the standards in force in your
• WARNING: do not use this appliance near
bathtubs, showers, basins or other vessels
containing water.
• When the appliance is used in a bathroom,
unplug it after use since the proximity of water
presents a hazard even when the appliance is
switched o.
• This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should
be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
• This appliance can be used by children aged
from 8 years and above and persons with re-
duced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or
lack of experience and knowledge if they have
been given supervision or instruction concer-
ning use of the appliance in a safe way and un-
derstand the hazards involved. Children shall
not play with the appliance.
Cleaning and user
maintenance shall not be made by children wit-
hout supervision.
• If the supply cord is damaged, it must be re-
placed by the manufacturer, its service agent
or similarly qualied persons in order to avoid
a hazard.
• Stop using your appliance and contact an Authorised Service Centre if:
- your appliance has fallen.
- it does not work correctly.
• The appliance must be unplugged: before cleaning and maintenance procedures, if it is not working
correctly, as soon as you have nished using it, if you leave the room, even momentarily.
• Do not use if the cord is damaged.
• Do not immerse or put under running water, even for cleaning purposes.
• Do not hold with damp hands.
• Do not hold the appliance by the casing, which is hot, but by the handle.
• Do not unplug by pulling on the cord, rather pull out by the plug.
• Do not use an electrical extension lead.
• Do not clean with abrasive or corrosive products.
• Do not use at temperatures below 0°C and above 35°C.
Your appliance is designed for use in the home only. It should not be used for professional purposes.
The guarantee becomes null and void in the case of improper usage.
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled.
Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
These instructions are also available on our website
38 mm
38 mm
38 mm
8’’- 10’’

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