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Pacemaker manufacturers advise that the distance between your phone and heart pacemaker
should be 6 inches (15.3 cm) at least, otherwise the phone could interfere with the pacemaker.
People fitted with a pacemaker should note the following:
Always keep a distance (at least 6 inches) between the phone and the pacemaker when
the phone is switched on.
Do not carry the phone in a breast pocket
* Listen to the phone using the ear which is furthest from the pacemaker.
Please switch OFF your phone if you feel there is interference, and consult the doctor as soon as
you can.
Hearing aids
Mobile phones may cause some interference with some hearing aids. Please consult your hearing
aid manufacturer
Other safety information
If you do not use your phone for extended periods, please switch it OFF and remove
the battery to save energy.
Do not have the volume excessively loud while using the phone, as this could impair
your hearing.
Repairs should only be undertaken by an approved agent.
Avoid using phone cases that have magnetic closures: these can affect the
performance and life of the phone and its components.
If you or your family have a medical record of dizziness or epilepsy, please consult your
doctor first if you want to play phone games or use the torch.
Emergency calls
This phone, like any wireless phone, operates using radio signals, which cannot guarantee
connection in all conditions. Therefore, you should never rely solely on any wireless phone for
essential communications like medical emergencies. To make or receive calls, the phone must be
switched ON and in a service area with adequate signal strength. To make an emergency call,
enter the local emergency number in standby mode and touch to call.
Care and maintenance
Your phone is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated
with care. The suggestions below will allow you to enjoy this product for many years.
Keep your phone away from small children and pets. They may accidentally damage
the phone or choke on small parts.
Keep the phone dry and avoid liquids that corrode the phone.
Do not use the phone with a wet hand, which may cause an electric shock.
Do not store the phone in hot areas, which can shorten the life of electronic devices,
damage batteries, or melt accessories.
Do not store the phone in cold areas. When the phone warms up above its normal
operating temperature, moisture can form inside the phone, which may damage the
phones electronic circuit boards.
Do not expose your phone to hot sunlight which may cause it to over-heat.
Do not place your phone near inflammable liquids, gas or explosive substances.
Do not drop or knock the phone. Rough handling can break internal circuit boards.
When cleaning the phone, use a damp or anti-static cloth. Do not use a dry or static
Do not use chemicals such as cleaning solvents to clean the surface. Switch OFF the
phone first before cleaning.
Do not paint the phone. Paint can prevent proper operation.
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

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