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Input supply: selectable on the charger: 115V 0.8 Amp, or 230V 0,4 Amp, 50/60 Hz.
Constant current output:
– OptiMate PRO-S: NEW (4A max.) / 2 / 4A selectable by switch, charges one battery at a time.
– OptiMate PRO2: independently charges two batteries at a time, maximum current per circuit is 2A.
The actual charge current in all output selections is automatically adjusted according to the dynamic characteristics
of the connected battery by the
ampmatic™ automatic output control circuit,
see § 6.1 below.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children
should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Batteries emit EXPLOSIVE GASES - prevent fl ame or sparks near batteries.
Disconnect AC power supply before making or breaking DC/battery connections. Battery acid is highly corrosive. Wear
protective clothing and eyewear and avoid contact. In case of accidental contact, wash immediately with soap and water.
Check that the battery posts are not loose; if so, have the battery professionally assessed. If the battery posts are corroded,
clean with a copper wire brush; if greasy or dirty clean with a rag damped in detergent. Use the charger only if the input and
output leads and connectors are in good, undamaged condition. If the input cable is damaged, it is essential to have it replaced
without delay by the manufacturer, his authorised service agent or a qualifi ed workshop, to avoid danger. Protect your charger
from acid and acid fumes and from damp and humid conditions both during use and in storage. Damage resulting from
corrosion, oxidation or internal electrical short-circuiting is not covered by warranty. Distance the charger from the battery
during charging to avoid contamination by or exposure to acid or acidic vapours. If using it in the horizontal orientation, place
the charger on a hard, at surface, but NOT on plastic, textile or leather. Use the fi xing holes provided in the enclosure base to
attach the charger to any convenient, sound vertical surface.
BATTERY CONNECTIONS: For charging the battery off-vehicle, one set of battery clips is supplied for each charger output.
The OptiMate PRO2 (only) is delivered with 2 additional connection sets with metal eyelet lugs for permanent connection to the
posts of 2 batteries. The connectors that connect these sets to the charger output cables are protected by resealable
weatherproof caps designed to protect the connectors from dirt and damp whenever the charger is not attached. These
connection sets allow easy and sure connection of the charger to maintain batteries on-vehicle. Consult a professional service
agent for assistance in attaching the metal eyelets to the battery posts. Ensure that the connectors with weatherproof cap as
well as the cables are positioned and secured so as to avoid any risk of fouling any moving part of the vehicle and any risk of
the cable being pinched or damaged by sharp edges. The in-line fuses in these connection sets protect batteries against
potential shorting across positive and negative conductors in the case of accidental damage. Replace any burnt fuse only with
a similar new fuse of 15A rating.
1. Disconnect AC power supply before making or breaking DC / battery connections.
2. If charging a battery in the vehicle with the battery clips, before making connections, rst check that the battery clips can
be safely and securely positioned clear from surrounding wiring, metal tubing or the chassis. Make connections in the
following order: First connect to the battery terminal not connected to the chassis (normally positive), then connect the
other battery clip (normally negative) to the chassis well away from the battery and fuel line. Always disconnect in reverse
3. When charging a battery out of the vehicle with the battery clips, place it in a well ventilated area. Connect the charger to
the battery: RED clamp to POSITIVE (POS, P or +) terminal and BLACK clamp to NEGATIVE (NEG, N or –) terminal. Make
sure the connections are fi rm and secure. Good contact is important.
4. Charging of 2 similar 12V batteries connected in series to form a 24V battery: The OptiMate PRO 2 model (only) can
be used to charge a 24V battery comprising two 12V batteries connected in series, without delinking the positive pole of
the one battery from the negative pole of the other. Connect the negative (black) clamp and positive (red) clamp of one of
the two outputs to the negative (– /black) and positive (+/red) poles respectively of one of the two batteries, and likewise
the clamps of the second output to the respective poles of the second battery.
5. If the battery is deeply discharged (and possibly sulphated), remove from the vehicle and inspect the battery
before connecting the charger for a recovery attempt. Visually check the battery for mechanical defects such as a
bulging or cracked casing, or signs of electrolyte leakage. If the battery has fi ller caps and the plates within the cells can
be seen from the outside, examine the battery carefully to try to determine if any cells seem different to the others (for

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