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QUICK GUIDE - OptiMate 6
The QUICK GUIDE is a brief description of LED indications and their meaning as they occur through-out the program. For detailed voltage
and current values refer to the full instruction set. The LED numbers are referenced according to the LED panel illustration below.
Following connection to AC power: LED #1 lights. LED #1 will dim (reduce intensity) during ECO mode.
Incorrect reversed connection to the battery: LED #2 lights with LED #1.
the battery is fl at with voltage measuring at least 2V
OR a standard wet cell battery is less than 80% charged
OR a sealed AGM battery is less than 60% charged
LED #3 lights FULL ON indicating the 3 stage recovery / desulfation mode has engaged.
Charge time: Max. 2 hours, Min.15 minutes.
TURBO: If after 5 seconds LED #3 fl ashes (on-off-on) the TURBO (high voltage desulfation) mode has engaged, indicating the battery's
level of sulfation is high. LED #8 will light once the battery accepts minimum charge current, confi rming start of recovery.
STANDARD: LED #8 immediately lights (together with LED #3) indicating the battery is lightly sulfated and is accepting charge current at the
16V limited level. NOTE: This may also occur if the neglected battery remains in the vehicle and the connected circuitry is drawing current.
For best results when attempting to recover a neglected battery, remove from the vehicle, inspect and then charge.
PULSE: During the fi nal 15 minute stage of recovery LED #9 and then LED #10 should light or pulse together with LED #8. NOTE: A healthy
deep discharged battery may immediately advance to this stage.
LED #4 lights FULL ON indicating BULK charge mode has engaged Charge time: Max. 48 hours (less time in RECOVERY mode)
If a standard wet cell battery has an initial charge higher than 80%
OR a sealed AGM battery has an initial charge higher than 60%
OR a battery has suffi ciently recovered during RECOVERY desulfation mode
LEDs #8, 9 and 10 may come on through-out BULK charge stage as current is varied by the AMPMATIC program to ensure the most
complete charge before advancing. Once the battery voltage has risen to 14.3V, indicating an almost fully charged battery, then
LED #4 fl ashes to indicate PULSE ABSORPTION - CELL BALANCING - VERIFICATION multiple charge mode has
engaged. Charge time: Maximum 48 hours less time in RECOVERY and BULK mode OR minimum 15 minutes.
PULSE ABSORPTION - CELL BALANCING 10 minute period: Charge current is delivered during which the voltage is carefully controlled to
remain below 14.4V. Maximum charge current depends on the battery condition, it is expected to reduce with each pulse cycle.
VERIFICATION - Following each 10 minute period battery condition is verifi ed.
If the program: determines that the battery needs further charging, it will return for a further 10 minute period of charging
OR determines that the battery does not require further charging then after 5 minutes it will proceed to the TEST mode
OR has detected a battery with internal damage, it will immediately proceed to TEST mode.
LED #5 fl ashes when TEST mode engages. During the fi rst 30 minutes the battery's initial state of health is determined. If LEDs #6
and/or 7 light the battery is in poor health or could not be recovered. The program will proceed directly to MAINTENANCE MODE.
A battery with a good state of health, indicated by LED #5 or LED #5 & 6 fl ashing through-out the initial 30 minute period, advances to the
EXTENDED (12 HOUR) TEST during which a more accurate assessment is made. EXTENDED TEST LED fl ash mode: on-on-OFF-on-on-OFF.
NOTE: Even a partially damaged battery may hold charge for a short period immediately following charging, but will revert to it's actual
condition after not receiving charge for at least 12 hours). See page 7 for possible results.
LED #5, 6 and /or 7 light FULL ON when maintenance mode engages for a period of 12 hours. The TEST RESULT is indicated
by LEDs #5, 6 and 7. During 30 minutes of each hour OptiMate's unique tested and proven maintenance charge is delivered to extend
battery life. During the alternative 30 minutes no charge is delivered, allowing the battery electrolyte to settle, which greatly reduces loss of
electrolyte in wet cell batteries. The maintenance mode alternates with the TEST mode until the battery is disconnected.
LED #10
5A charge current
LED #8
0.4A charge current
LED #9
Current between
0.4 - 5 Amp per
Ampmatic control
LEDs #5, 6 & 7
Flashing: Testing
(no charge delivered)
Single flash: initial test
Double flash: 12 hour test
Full on: Maintenance
charge is delivered and
TEST result is displayed
LED #1 -
AC power present
LED #2 -
Battery connected
in reverse polarity
LED #3
Full on: Low voltage low current or pulse
Flashing: Turbo high voltage desulfation
LED #4
Full on: Bulk Charge
Flashing: Final Charge & verification

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Tecmate OPTIMATE 6 TM 180 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanõl, Svenska - 44 pagina's

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