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DMS-CTC-20101206-0033 v1.0
10.1 Parental Control
The MediaAccess Gateway allows you to deny access to specific web sites.
Access Denied page
When a user tries to access a page that is being blocked, the following page is displayed:
Address-based filtering
With address-based filtering (or URL-filtering) you can block web sites based on their address (for example
Content-based filtering
As you know, the Internet consists of a large number of web sites, and that number still increases every day. This makes it
almost impossible to keep the list of addresses up-to-date.
To solve this problem MediaAccess Gateway introduced content-based filtering.
With content-based filtering you can block web sites based on their content category (for example pornography) instead
of their URL. This way, you only need to select the appropriate categories and the content category server takes care of the
rest. This content category server is updated at regular intervals.
Combining the two filters
Address-based filtering has priority over content-based filtering. This means that when you are blocking a specific
category, you can still access a specific address provided you create a rule to allow access to that URL.
For example, if you are blocking content from the Finance / Investment category, you can create a rule to make an
exception for netbanking.mybank.com.
Activating content-based filtering
Before you can use content-based filtering you must first activate it by purchasing a license key at your service provider or by
activating the 30-day trial.
Proceed as follows:
1 Browse to the MediaAccess Gateway GUI.
For more information, see Accessing the MediaAccess Gateway GUI” on page 37.
2 On the Toolbox menu, click Parental Control.
3 In the Pick a task list, click Activate Web Filtering License.
4 The Web Filtering Activation page appears. Under License Type, select:
30-days evaluation if you first want evaluate this feature.
Standard if you have already purchased a license key. The License key box appears as soon as you select this option.
Type the license key that you received from your service provider in this box.
5 Click Apply.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Technicolor TG789vn v3 - MediaAccess

Technicolor TG789vn v3 - MediaAccess Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Technicolor TG789vn v3 - MediaAccess Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

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