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DMS-CTC-20101206-0033 v1.0
3.5 Setting Up the 3G Fall-Back WAN Connection
Many SOHO (Small Offices, Home Offices) and SME (Small/Medium Enterprises) businesses choose DSL as their access
technology for a Wide Area Network (WAN) connection because this is typically cheaper than using leased lines. A dropout
of a DSL line can however have expensive consequences due to inaccessibility of the Internet and E-mail. Therefore backup
solutions are available that provide an alternative path when the DSL line is down.
For example it is possible to switch to 2G / 3G mobile access technologies such as GPRS, UMTS, HSDPA, HSUPA,
HSPA+, WIMAX and LTE when internet connectivity is not available via the main WAN connection. By plugging a mobile
USB adapter into one of the USB ports of your MediaAccess Gateway, IP connectivity via a 2G / 3G network becomes
3G is an umbrella-term to indicate the third generation mobile telephony technology. The services associated with 3G
provide the ability to transfer both voice data and non-voice data. 3G networks are the successors of the 2G networks, such
as the GSM networks and provide new services and higher data transfer speeds.
What do I need?
To start using 2G / 3G as a connection on the MediaAccess Gateway, you need:
A mobile USB adapter
A registered Security Identity Module (SIM) card.
Configure 2G / 3G as WAN connection
Proceed as follows:
1 Configure your mobile connection.
For more information, see “3.5.1 Managing your Mobile Connection with the MediaAccess Gateway GUI” on page 33.
2 Insert your mobile USB adapter.
For more information, see “3.5.2 Inserting a Mobile USB Adapter” on page 34.
3 Now your mobile connection is up and ready to use.
MediaAccess Gateway will automatically enable your 3G backup connection when both of the following conditions are met:
The main Internet connection has been unavailable for at least 60 seconds.
The MediaAccess Gateway received a request to access the Internet (for example, when browsing to an Internet web
The MediaAccess Gateway will automatically disable the 3G connection in either of the following cases:
The main Internet connection is available again. In this case the MediaAccess Gateway switches back to the main Internet
No Internet traffic has been detected during the last 10 seconds. For example, you finished surfing the Internet.
Only use the mobile USB adapters provided by your service provider.
If you need to remove your mobile USB adapter, make sure the MediaAccess Gateway is powered off first.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Technicolor TG789vn v3 - MediaAccess

Technicolor TG789vn v3 - MediaAccess Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Technicolor TG789vn v3 - MediaAccess Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

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