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4. Quit USB device:
a. Double-click the Windows Interface "Safely Remove Hardware" icon (lower
right corner of the green arrow).
b. Select "Stop" in "Safely Remove Hardware" dialog box.
c. Choose the device to stop, click "OK", device quit safely, "Safely Remove
Hardware" dialog box shows ’USB Mass Storage Device can now be safely
removed from the system’ in the lower right corner of the green arrow.
d. Close "Safely Remove Hardware" dialog box.
e. Disconnect the USB device from the computer.
Cannot turn on: Check if the devices power is low: charge the battery
Can not upload / download files normally
1. Check the USB cable between the devices USB and the PC, maybe is
damaged or not/correct connected
2. Check if the driver is installed properly (Windows 98 system)
3. Check if there is enough storage space to save the file
Technical Specifications
Video / Photo resolution 640 * 480; 30fps (frames per second) / 1600 * 1200 (optional)
Video / Photo format AVI / JPG
USB / Flash memory 1.1 (Hs) / 4GB
Battery Li-battery, built-in
Supports Video recording function; Standard PC camera function
Features Protected against water, dirt, dust, rain, snow
Vista /
XP / ME / 2000 / Mac OS 9.2.2
or higher version, no need to in
driver (Windows98 need a driver installation)
Security and Disposal Hints for Batteries
Hold children off batteries. When a child swallowed a battery by mistake go to a doctors place or bring the child into a
hospital promptly!
Look for the right polarity (+) and () of batteries! Always change all batteries, never use old and new batteries or
batteries of different types together.
Do NOT open, deform or load up batteries! There is a risk of injury by battery leakage fluid!
NEVER throw batteries into fire! There is a risk of explosion! Never short batteries.
Take out exhausted batteries from the device and take out batteries from the device when its not used over a longer
period of time.
Hints for Environment Protection
Cleaning: Protect the device from contamination and pollution. Only clean the device with soft cloth or drapery, avoid
using rough or coarse-grained materials. Do NOT use solvents or other aggressive cleaner. Wipe the device after
cleaning accurately. Important Notice: Should battery fluid leak from a battery, wipe the battery-case with a soft cloth dry
and put in a new battery!
Packages materials are raw materials and can be recycled.
Separate the packages by types and put
them to an adequate recycling on behalf of the environment. More detailed information you get from your
official civil service.
Do not disposal old devices into the domestic waste.
Disposal old / defective devices professionally!
The environment will be grateful for that.
Do not disposal batteries into the domestic waste.
Disposal old / empty / defective batteries
The environment will be more than grateful for that.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Technaxx Video Watch Actionmaster

Technaxx Video Watch Actionmaster Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

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