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GPS–Car Camera Full HD TX–21
User Manual
The Declaration of Conformity for this device is under:
www.technaxx.de/ (in bottom bar “Konformitätserklärung”)
Before using the device the first time, read the user manual carefully.
Before first use, peel off the protective film from the camera lens!
Digital high definition (HD) video camera to record HD images with pixel of 1920 x
1080P FULL HD.
You can watch a video and record a video at the same time. The device supports
on-spot play back.
Adopt the auto cigarette lighter power supply, to record a video while driving, to start
the auto automatic off or to start the video recording function.
Using a MicroSD card (up to 32GB) as the storage device. Video also can be
transferred by HDMI transmission wire directly to the high quality LED TV (HDMI) for
high resolution displaying.
Set the video recording time, stop recording when the setting time is up. Four
resolution forms can be changed for video recording.
Automatic circulating video
recording (= set a record time for each file).
Powerful document protection guarantee that video files will be intact, even if in the
recording process a sudden power outages occurres (e.g. machine damage).
time and date display, no need toreset when re-start.
Suction cup holder and magnet for save and convenient operation. The stents
power supply system makes the device more user-friendly.
1. Features
GPS function and G-Sensor
3.0 mega pixels with AR0330 sensor
2.7” LTPS display in format 16:9
170° ultra super wide angle lens
2x MicroSD card slot up to 32GB
Endless recordings up to 19 hours
FULL HD resolution 1920 x 1080P
30fps for smooth video flow
Advanced H.264 video compression technology
4x digital zoom with ranges from 12cm to limitless distance
Supports HDMI high quality video transmission
Travel speed display in video playback
Dual-card processing technology, to achieve up to two 32GB, 32GB + 32GB loop
recording and seamless continuous recording will not miss any data
Descriptions of symbols during video & photo recording
see end of user manual

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Technaxx TX21 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

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