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Before using your appliance for the first time, wash the lid of the appliance, the glass jars as
well as the lids of the glass jars in warm soapy water. DO NOT USE ANY ABRASIVE PRODUCTS OR
HARD UTENSILS. Rinse and dry all parts thoroughly. Do not immerse the motor block in water.
You can clean it with a slightly damp cloth.
Prepare the following utensils: a high-sided saucepan, a ladle and a spoon. Ensure all these
utensils and the glass pots and caps are sterilized before starting to make yogurt. Allow these
utensils to air-dry.
Any kind of milk can be used to make yogurt. According to your taste, or diet, you can
Homogenized and sterilized long-life milk: this milk, whether whole or semi-skimmed, sterilized
with high temperatures (long-keeping milk), can be used without being previously boiled. With
this milk you will obtain the best yogurts, firm and without skin. Do not use UHT skimmed milk,
you will obtain the best results with whole UHT milk.
Pasteurized milk: this milk is not sterilized. It still contains heat-resistant germs, undestroyed by
pasteurization. Using this milk without previous boiling means that the developed flora will be
different from the flora of the yogurt.
Therefore, this milk should be boiled. Once it has cooled down, you can use it to make yogurt.
This milk gives a creamier yogurt, with a thin skin on top of it which is formed by the cream that
goes back up to the surface.
Raw milk (dairy milk): it is compulsory to make it boil. Ideally, the boiling should be quite long.
In any case, do not use it without having it previously boiled. As for pasteurized milk, let it cool
down before using it in your yogurt maker.
Powdered milk: with powdered milk, you can obtain very smooth yogurts. It sets easily and
We recommend trying various kinds of yogurt before choosing the one you prefer.
Should you like a thicker yogurt, add powdered milk to the preparation (3 to 5 tablespoons,
according to your taste).
To transform milk into yogurt, a ferment must be added, which will help the process to take
You can find these ferments in powder (bought at the chemist’s) or in another natural yogurt
bought in a store.
You can sweeten your yogurts when eating them. You can also sweeten them when you
prepare them, by adding sugar at the same time as the ferments. Make sure you whisk well
until the sugar melts. You can also use a substitute in case you cannot use sugar. The amount
of sugar depends on the taste of each person, but generally one or two teaspoons per pot is

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