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Please read these instructions carefully before using the appliance.
Check that your mains voltage corresponds to that stated on the appliance.
Never leave the appliance unsupervised when in use. Keep out of reach of children or
incompetent persons.
From time to time check the cord for damages. Never use the appliance if cord or appliance
show any signs of damage.
Only use the appliance for domestic purposes and in the way indicated in these instructions.
Never immerse the appliance in water or any other liquid for any reason whatsoever. Never
place it into the dishwasher.
Never use the appliance near hot surfaces.
Should the cord be damaged, it must be replaced by a competent qualified electrician
Before cleaning, always unplug the appliance from the power supply.
All repairs should be made by a competent qualified electrician
Never use the appliance outside and always place it in a dry environment.
Never use accessories which are not recommended by the producer. They could constitute a
danger to the user and risk to damage the appliance.
Never move the appliance by pulling the cord. Make sure the cord cannot get caught in any way.
Do not wind the cord around the appliance and do not bend it.
Stand the appliance on a table or flat surface.
Make sure the appliance has cooled down before cleaning and storing it.
Make sure the cord never comes into contact with the hot parts of the appliance.
Never touch the hot parts of the appliance.
Always unplug the appliance when it is not in use, especially since it is not equipped with an
on/off switch.
Switch on the appliance only once the water bowl is filled with water and the lid is put correctly
on the steam tank.
Never use the appliance without water.
Never fill the water bowl with liquids other than water.
Never exceed the MAX mark on the water bowl when filling, as the water in the water boil may
boil over and cause burning.
Use only cold water when filling.
Use the appliance only with the lid duly positioned.
Warning! Hot steam may be released from the lid during use.
Make sure that after the boiling procedure the lid is handled only with the handle provided for
said purpose. Danger of burning!
Do not touch the spike during or immediately use. The spike is hot! Danger of burning!
Warning! Do not move or carry the appliance during use. The hot water in the appliance may
spill out and cause injuries!
Competent qualified electrician : after sales department of the producer or importer or any person
who is qualified, approved and competent to perform this kind of repairs in order to avoid all danger.
In any case you should return the appliance to this electrician.

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