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o Do not expose this apparatus to drips or splashes.
o Do not place any objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the
o Do not install this apparatus in a confined space such as a book
case or similar unit.
o The apparatus draws nominal non-operating power from the
AC outlet with its POWER or STANDBY/ON switch not in the ON
o The apparatus should be located close enough to the AC outlet so
that you can easily reach the power cord plug at any time.
o The mains plug is used as the disconnect device, the disconnect
device shall remain readily operable.
o If the product uses batteries (including a battery pack or installed
batteries), they should not be exposed to sunshine, fire or excessive
o CAUTION for products that use replaceable lithium batteries: there
is danger of explosion if a battery is replaced with an incorrect type
of battery. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
o Caution should be taken when using earphones or headphones
with the product because excessive sound pressure (volume) from
earphones or headphones can cause hearing loss.
MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS
and Thomson.
This product is protected by certain intellectual property rights of
Microsoft. Use or distribution of such technology outside of this
product is prohibited without a license from Microsoft.
iPod and iPod classic are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the
U.S. and other countries.
Made for iPod means that an electronic accessory has been
designed to connect specifically to iPod and has been certified by the
developer to meet Apple performance standards.
Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its
compliance with safety and regulatory standards.
Please note that the use of this accessory with iPod may affect wireless
Other company names and product names in this document are the
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

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