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Giro Complet
Dear customer,
Many thanks for choosing to purchase a TAURUS
brand product.
- Thanks to its technology, design and operation
and the fact that it exceeds the strictest quality
standards, a fully satisfactory use and long
product life can be assured.
- Read these instructions care-
fully before switching on the
appliance and keep them for fu-
ture reference. Failure to follow
and observe these instructions
could lead to an accident.
- Clean all the parts of the pro-
duct that will be in contact with
food, as indicated in the clea-
ning section, before use.
- This appliance shall not be used
by children. Keep the applian-
ce and its cord out of reach of
- This appliance can be used by
people with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabili-
ties or lack of experience and
knowledge if they have been
given supervision or instruction
concerning use of the appliance
in a safe way and understand
the hazards involved.
- This appliance is not a toy.
Children should be supervised
to ensure that they do not play
with the appliance.
- Always switch off the appliance
and disconnect from supply if
it is left unattended and before
changing accessories or ap-
proaching parts that move in
use, assembling, disassembling
and cleaning.
- If the connection to the mains
has been damaged, it must be
replaced, take the appliance to
an authorised technical sup-
port service. Do not attempt
to disassemble or repair the
appliance by yourself in order to
avoid a hazard.
- Ensure that the voltage indicated on the rating
label matches the mains voltage before plug-
ging in the appliance.
- Connect the appliance to a socket that can
supply a minimum of 10 amperes.
- The appliance’s plug must t into the mains
socket properly. Do not alter the plug. Do not
use plug adaptors.
- Keep the working area clean and well lit. Clutte-
red and dark areas invite accidents.
- Keep children and bystanders away when using
this appliance.
- Do not use the appliance if the cable or plug is
- If any of the appliance casings breaks, immedia-
tely disconnect the appliance from the mains to
prevent the possibility of an electric shock.
- Do not use the appliance if it has fallen on the
oor, if there are visible signs of damage or if it
has a leak.
- Do not force the power cord. Never use the
power cord to lift up, carry or unplug the
- Do not wrap the power cord around the applian-
- Check the state of the power cord. Damaged

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