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If you have a problem with DVD player, check this list for a possible solution before calling for service. Some
simple or minor problems can be solved by yourself. If the unit works abnormally continuously or the unit has
been physically damaged, turn off the power and disconnect the AC power plug, consult qualified person such
as dealer for service.
Symptom / Remedy
No sound or Distorted sound
- Confirm the power cord plug is well connected.
- Make sure the setting of TV or other AV equipment is proper.
- Make sure the TV or the amplifier is under normal operation.
- As you use the headphones, make sure the headphone is well connected with the jack and the volume
switch (phone level) is turned to proper level
- No sound is heard during still picture (pause) or slow motion play.
No picture
- Make sure the equipment is well connected.
- Make sure the input setting for the TV is “Video” or “AV”
- Make sure the specifications of the TV is according to the settings of the unit.
- Make sure TV is under normal operation.
- Make sure the color system is set at the proper mode (NTSC/PAL)
Picture breakdown
- Make sure there is no significant damage on the disc
- The disc may be dirty, clean it and re-start again
Does not play
- Make sure the disc is well installed with the label facing at the top.
- The disc may be dirty and require cleaning
- The player will be affected by moist disc or by condensation, keep the disc dry and wait about 1 or 2
hours to allow the player to dry out.
No operation can be performed with the remote control
- Check the batteries are installed with the correct polarities (+ & -)
- Make sure the batteries are in good condition and not depleted. If yes, replace the new ones.
- Make sure the remote is pointing at the sensor
- Remove the obstacles between the player and the remote
No surround sound
- Choose the correct setup of the speaker setting which matches with your stereo system
- Check speaker connections
- Check the sources materials—if mono, sound may only come out of the centre output.
- If 2-channel DVD model, you will require a Pro Logic decoder or Dolby Digital decoder to reproduce the
surround output.
No 4:3 (16:9) picture
- Choose the correct setup “TV SCREEN” item that matches with your TV type.
Remark: Abnormal functioning of this unit may be caused by static electricity or other external interference. To
restore normal operation, unplug the AC cord and then plug it in again or switch off and on the player again.

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