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Active Subwoofer EVO
Carefully unpack the Tangent Active subwoofer and check for any damages. If possible, keep the carton
box in case future transportation is needed.
You should immediately contact your dealer if the active subwoofer is damaged.
There are two ways to install Your new subwoofer ; below we will describe how:
1. From amplifier with pre out to subwoofer:
Connect the power cord from the amplifier pre out to Line In on Your active subwoofer. Hereby the
sound signal runs from amplifier subwoofer pre out to Your active subwoofer. (See Fig 1 on page 12)
2. From amplifier speaker out to subwoofer:
Connect the speaker cords from the amplifier speaker terminations to INPUT In on Your active subwoo-
fer. Make sure that the right channel on the amplifier is connected to the right channel on the subwoofer.
Repeat the same check for the left channels. Next, connect the front speakers from OUTPUT on Your
active subwoofer. Make sure that the right channel on the subwoofer is connected to the right speaker.
Repeat the same check for the left channel.(See Fig 2 on page 13)
Functions (See Fig. 3 on page 11)
The sound level of the active subwoofer can be adjusted. Use the volume control carefully, remember
that programme material may contain very high energy.
The phase is adjustable to 0 or 180 degrees. Try both settings for preferred sound.
It is possible to reduce the bass - adjustment from 40-120 Hz. Try different settings for preferred sound.
Your active subwoofer is designed to re-produce music information in the frequency range below 120Hz.
The human ear is not able to localize sound for these low frequencies, this is why the placement of the
subwoofer is not critical.However you can use the nature of the acoustic laws in the following ways:
a. To get the most amplification of the room itself, place the active subwoofer close to a corner at a
distance of about 10 cm from the walls. If you get to much bass please move the subwoofer out from the
corner. (See drawing A on page 8)
b. By experimenting with the placement of the subwoofer you can optimize the sound quality. One good
rule is to place the subwoofer near the satellite speakers. (See drawing B on page 8)
c. Never cover the built-in amplifier.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not open or remove cover or back. Do not expose this appliance to
rain or moisture. In case of malfunction consult qualified service personel

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