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Do not attempt to carry out any
service work yourself. By opening or
removing the cabinet, you will be
exposed to dangerous voltage or
other hazards. Any service work
should be carried out by qualified
Spare parts
If spare parts are required, make sure that the
service technician uses spare parts specified by the
manufacturer or spare parts with the same
characteristics as the original. Unauthorised spare
parts may cause fire, electrical shock, etc.
Safety check
After service or repairs on the unit,
ask the service technician to carry
out a safety check to ensure that
the unit is ready for use.
Unplug the unit and contact qualified technicians in
the following cases:
A) If the power cord or the plug is damaged.
B) If liquid has been spilled on the unit or objects
have fallen into the unit.
C) If the unit has been exposed to rain or water.
D) If the unit does not work properly after adhering to
the instructions in the operation manual. Only the
settings described in the operation manual must be
made as incorrect setting may result in damage and
often will make it difficult for a qualified technician to
make the unit work properly again.
E) If the unit has been dropped or damaged in any
other way.
F) When the operation of the unit changes
drastically, the unit requires service.
Unplug the unit for additional
protection during thunder or when
the unit is not used for prolonged
periods. This will prevent damage
to the unit from lightning and
power surges.
Penetration of objects and liquid
Never push any foreign objects
through the openings into the unit,
as they may touch dangerous
voltage points or short-circuit parts
and thus cause fire or electric
shock. Do not spill liquid on the
Do not place the unit on unstable surfaces such as a
trolley, stand, tripod, shelf or table. The unit
may fall and injure children or adults or
be seriously damaged. Use only trolley,
stand, tripod, shelf or table that is very
stable or provided with the unit. The unit
must be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions and by means of
installation equipment recommended by the
If the unit is placed on a trolley, the trolley must be
moved very carefully. Sudden stops, unnecessary
force and uneven surfaces may cause the trolley to
turn over.
Do not place heavy loads on the
unit and do not step on it. The load
may fall and cause serious injury to
persons or damage to the unit.

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  • Ik krijg bij het aanzetten van de radio op DAB de melding NPO.
    Geen geluid.

    Op FM doet de radio het wel.
    Wat kan ik doen?

    Gesteld op 15-10-2013 om 13:21

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Zo te zien niks, de Tangent DAB-50 ondersteunt geen DAB+. Alle 27 kanalen in Nederland gebruiken nu DAB+. Op 14 oktober om 01:00 zijn de laatste negen kanalen van de Publieke Omroep omgezet van DAB naar DAB+ Geantwoord op 16-10-2013 om 00:01

      Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Tangent DAB-50

Tangent DAB-50 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 20 pagina's

Tangent DAB-50 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 20 pagina's

Tangent DAB-50 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 20 pagina's

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