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Important information
Congratulations on your new radio.
Please read this manual carefully to avoid malfunction and damage to the radio and to
ensure that the radio will be a source of great pleasure to you for a very long time.
1. Do not expose the radio to direct sunlight, high humidity, dirt, heavy vibration or
extreme temperatures.
2. Place the unit on a solid and plane surface.
3. Make sure that there is sufficient ventilation around the radio. Do not place the
unit on a soft surface such as a carpet. Make sure that there is sufficient of
clearance behind the unit.
4. Do not open the cabinet. Only qualified technicians are allowed access to the
internal parts.
5. Make sure that liquid and foreign matter cannot enter the unit.
6. If service or repair is required, this must be carried out by qualified technicians.
7. Unplug the unit in the following cases:
A. The mains plug or the mains cable is defective.
B. Foreign matter or liquid has entered the radio.
C. The unit cannot be operated properly.
D. The unit has fallen down or the cabinet has been damaged.
8. Store this instruction manual carefully for future reference.
9. Use a duster or a slightly damp, soft and non-fluffy rag to clean the radio.
10. Do not use corrosive or strong cleaning agents. Make sure that no moisture
penetrates the radio during cleaning. Unplug the unit before cleaning.

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