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Range Extender Mode
Host AP
Client Mode (TV/Game Console Adapter)
1. Switch the operation mode to AP/Rng Ext/Client and plug the
router’s adapter into an electrical outlet near your host AP.
2. Connect your device to the router wirelessly or via an Ethernet
cable. The Wi-Fi network names and password are on the router’s
3. Launch a web browser and enter http://tplinkwifi.net in the address
bar. Log in with admin (in lowercase) for both username and
4. Click Next to start the Quick Setup.
5. Select Client and click Next.
6. Click Connect to connect to the corresponding host network and
enter its password. Then click Next.
7. Select the LAN type of the router (Smart IP in most cases) and
click Next.
8. Click Finish to apply the settings.
9. Connect your wired-only device to the router via an Ethernet cable.
Other Device
Smart TV Desktop
Host AP
1. Switch the operation mode to AP/Rng Ext/Client and connect the
hardware according to Step A to D in the left diagram.
2. Connect your device to the router wirelessly. The Wi-Fi network
names and password are on the router’s label.
3. Launch a web browser and enter http://tplinkwifi.net in the address
bar. Log in with admin (in lowercase) for both username and
4. Click Next to start the Quick Setup.
5. Select Access Point and click Next.
6. Either customize your
Network Name
for the
2.4GHz/5GHz wireless network or keep the default ones, and then
7. Select the LAN type of the router (Smart IP in most cases) and
click Next.
8. Click Finish to apply the settings.
Access Point Mode
If you have changed the default Wi-Fi name(s) and password(s), you
have to reconnect your wireless devices to the new Wi-Fi network(s).
1. Switch the operation mode to AP/Rng Ext/Client and plug the
router’s adapter into an electrical outlet near your host AP.
2. Connect your device to the router wirelessly or via an Ethernet
cable. The Wi-Fi network names and password are on the router’s
3. Launch a web browser and enter http://tplinkwifi.net in the address
bar. Log in with admin (in lowercase) for both username and
4. Click Next to start the Quick Setup.
5. Select Range Extender and click Next.
6. Click Connect to connect to the corresponding host network and
enter its password. You can either copy the SSID (network name) of
the host network or customize it, and then click Next.
7. Select the LAN type of the router (Smart IP in most cases) and
click Next.
8. Click Finish to apply the settings.
9. Relocate the router about halfway between your host AP and the
Wi-Fi dead zone.
The extended network shares the same Wi-Fi password as that of your
host network, but may have dierent wireless network name if you have
customized it during the conguration.
Wired Router
Hardware Information
WPS connection is in progress.
No WPS connection is established.
This light stays on for 5 minutes when a WPS
connection is established, then goes o.
The router is on.
The internet is available.
The wireless network is enabled.
The wireless network is disabled.
The router is connecting to the host network
when in Range Extender or Client mode.
The internet is unavailable.
A USB device is connected.
No USB device is connected.
The router is initializing or being upgraded.
Buttons and Ports:
Mode Switch
The port is used to connect the power adapter.
This port functions as the WAN port in Router
mode and as the LAN port in Hotspot, Access
Point, Range Extender and Client mode.
To reset the router, use a pin to press and hold
the button for about 5 seconds.
This port is used to plug a 3G/4G modem or a
USB disk into.
To establish WPS connection, press this button.
This button is used to switch the operation
mode of the router.
For technical support and other information, please visit http://www.tp-link.com/support

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Andere handleiding(en) van TP-LINK TL-WR902AC

TP-LINK TL-WR902AC Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 221 pagina's

TP-LINK TL-WR902AC Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 63 pagina's

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