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Product Introduction
Replace your traditional 3-way switches commonly found in living rooms, hallways, or stairways
where two switches control the same light. Dim the light from 100% to 1% via your phone or
simple voice commands to set the perfect ambiance for any activity.
* You can nd step-by-step instructions in the Kasa Smart app.
1) Turn o the circuit breaker.
2) Remove the old wallplate, and take
a picture of the wires in case you want
to go back to the old switch.
Connect the wires to the main dimmer
switch as shown below.
Install the Satellite dimmer switch to the
other wallbox by connecting the wires as
shown below.
5Connect the wires to the satellite dimmer
switch as shown below.
Secure the dimmer switch with screws.
Identify and label other wires.
4Secure the dimmer switch with screws.
Identify Line wire to locate the main switch.
1) Disconnect the wires from the two
old switches. Make sure they’re not
touching when circuit breaker is on.
2) Turn on the circuit breaker and use
a voltage detector to identify the
energized wire (line wire).
3) Turn o the circuit breaker and label the Line wire.
4) Check if there is Neutral wire in the
wall box with Line wire. If yes, label
the Neutral wire. This wall box is the
place for the Main dimmer switch.
The other is for the Satellite dimmer
switch. If not, you cannot install the
smart dimmer switch here.
Main switch Satellite switch
Take care to avoid electric shocks.
Traveler 1
Traveler 2
Neutral Ground
Traveler 2
Traveler 1
Do not cross Traveler 1 and Traveler 2
wires between the two dimmer switches.
Brightness Indicators
Dimmer Buttons
On/O Button
Wire Your Switch
Remove the two old switches.
1) Turn o the circuit breaker.
2) Remove the old wallplates.
3) Take a picture of the wires in case you
want to go back to the old switch.
Line: Usually black. One end is connected to the circuit
breaker, the other to your rst 3-Way switch.
Neutral: Usually white, not connected to the dumb switch.
Traveler 1 / 2: Usually one is black and the other is red.
They connect the two 3-Way switches.
Ground: Usually green or copper. Ground wire is needed
if you use a metal wallplate.
Load: Usually black. One end is connected to the light
xture, the other to your second 3-Way switch.
Get to know the wires.
Flip the page over to complete setup.
If you are unsure, consult a qualied electrician
or contact our technical support.

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