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Q1. What can I do if the login page does not appear?
A1. If the computer is set to a static or fixed IP address, change it to obtain an IP address
automatically from the modem router.
A2. Verify http://tplinkmodem.net is correctly entered in the web browser and press
A3. Use another web browser and try again.
A4. Reboot your modem router and try again.
A5. Disable and enable the active network adapter.
Q2. What can I do if the DSL LED does not turn solid on?
A1. Check your cables and make sure they are all plugged in correctly, including the
telephone lines and power adapter.
A2. Restore your modem router to its factory default settings.
A3. Remove the DSL splitter, directly connect the modem router to the phone jack and
follow this Quick Installation to reconfigure the modem router.
A4. Contact your ISP to verify if the DSL line is in good status.
A5. If you have tried all the suggestions above and the problem still exists, contact our
Technical Support.
Q3. What can I do if I cannot access the Internet?
A1. Make sure the telephone and Ethernet cables are plugged in correctly.
A2. Try to log into the web management page of the modem router using the default address at
http://tplinkmodem.net. If you can, try the following answers. If you cannot, change your
computer to obtain an IP address automatically from the modem router.
A3. Consult your ISP and make sure all the VPI/VCI (or VLAN ID), Connection Type, account
username and password are correct. If they are not, please replace them with the correct
settings and try again.
A4. Restore the modem router to its factory default settings and reconfigure the modem router
by following the instructions in this Quick Installation Guide.
A5. Please contact our Technical Support if the problem still exists.
Q4. What can I do if I forget my password?
Web Management page password:
Restore the modem router to its factory default settings and then set a new password using
1-15 characters.
Wireless Network password:
A1. The default Wireless Password/PIN is printed on the product label of the modem router.
A2. If the default wireless password has been changed, log into the modem router's web
management page and go to Basic > Wireless to retrieve or reset your password.
Q5. How do I restore the modem router to its factory default settings?
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
LED Indicators
Note: You can turn all lighted LEDs on or o by pressing the LED On/O button.
LED Status Indication
System initialization complete.
System initializing or firmware upgrading is in process.
Do not disconnect or power off the modem router.
Power is off.
DSL line is synchronized and ready to use.
The DSL negotiation is in progress.
DSL synchronization failed.
Internet connection is available.
No Internet connection or the modem router is operating in
Bridge mode.
The 2.4GHz wireless radio band is enabled.
The 2.4GHz wireless radio band is disabled.
The 5GHz wireless radio band is enabled.
The 5GHz wireless radio band is disabled.
At least one LAN port is connected.
No LAN port is connected.
The inserted USB device is identified and ready to use.
A new USB device is being identified.
No USB device is plugged into the USB port.
Turns On when a WPS synchronization is established and
automatically turns Off about five minutes later.
A wireless device is trying to connect to the network via WPS.
This process may take up to 2 minutes.
Slow Flashing
To manage your network conveniently on your mobile device,
scan the QR code to download the Tether App.
Tether App
7106505978 REV1.0.0
©2016 TP-LINK
Button Legend
Button Indication
Press to power on or o the modem router.
Press and hold down for 8 seconds to reset the modem router
into factory default settings.
Power On/O
Button Indication
Press to start a WPS synchronization.
Press to turn 2.4GHz Wi-Fi on or o.
Press to turn 5GHz Wi-Fi on or o.
Press to turn all lighted LEDs on or o. LED button is on the front
panel, at the end of all LEDs.
2.4G Wi-Fi
5G Wi-Fi
Reset Button Press & Hold for 8 seconds
A2. Log in to the Web Management page of the modem router, and go to Advanced >
System Tools > Backup & Restore, click Factory Restore
and wait until the reset
process is complete.
To learn more about the USB features, visit
http://tp-link.com/app/usb or scan the QR code.
Remote Access
via FTP Server
Local Storage
USB Features
USB ports can also be used to share a printer, les and media from USB
storage devices over your home network locally, or remotely through the
Internet using its built-in FTP server capability.
Ethernet WAN Connection
Connect an Ethernet cable (RJ45) from your fiber or cable modem to the
WAN port of the modem router to use it as a wireless router. Refer to the
User Guide for wireless router configuration.
3G/4G Connectivity
Connect a 3G/4G USB mobile broadband modem to the routers USB
port to get wireless Internet access through 3G/4G mobile networks. The
USB dongle can be congured as the primary Internet connection, or as
a backup to enhance network reliability. Refer to the User Guide for
USB Sharing Ports
A1. With the modem router powered on,
press and hold down the Reset button
on the rear panel of the modem router
for 8 seconds until all LEDs turn off
momentarily, then release the button.

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TP-LINK Archer VR2600 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 112 pagina's

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