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Configure the Router
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q1. What can I do if the login window does not appear?
A1. If the computer is set to a static or fixed IP address, change the setting to obtain an IP
address automatically.
A2. Verify that http://tplinkwifi.net is correctly entered in the web browser. Alternatively,
enter or in the web browser and press Enter.
A3. Use another web browser and try again.
A4. Reboot your router and try again.
A5. Disable then re-enable the network adapter being used.
Q2. What can I do if I cannot access the Internet?
A1. Check if the Internet is working properly by connecting a computer directly to the
modem using an Ethernet cable. If it is not, contact your Internet Service Provider.
A2. Log in to the Web Management page of the router, and go to the Status page to check
whether the WAN IP address is valid or not. If it is, please run the Quick Setup again;
otherwise, recheck the hardware connection.
A3. For cable modem users, log in to the Web Management page of the router. Go to
Network > MAC Clone, click Clone MAC Address and click Save, then reboot both the
modem and the router.
A4. Reboot your router and try again.
Q3. How do I restore the router to its factory default settings?
A1. While the router is powered on, press and hold the WPS/Reset button on the back until
the Power LED starts blinking.
A2. Log in to the Web Management page of the router. Go to System Tools Factory
Defaults, click Restore. The router will restore and reboot automatically.
Q4. What can I do if I forgot my web management password?
A. Refer to FAQ Q3 to reset the router, and then use admin (all lowercase) for both
username and password to log in.
Q5. What can I do if I forgot my wireless network password?
A1. The factory default Wireless Password/PIN is printed on the product label of the router.
A2. Log in to the routers Web Management page, and go to Wireless Wireless Security to
obtain or reset your wireless password.
USB Features
Use the USB port for media sharing, storage sharing and printer sharing across your local
network. You can also setup an FTP server to access your files remotely through the Internet.
Remote Access
via FTP Server
Media Sharing
Local Storage
Printer Sharing
USB Port for Sharing
To learn more about the USB features, visit http://tp-link.com/app/usb,
or simply scan the QR code.
Connect wirelessly by using the SSID
(network name) and Wireless Password
printed on the product label at the
bottom of the router.
1. Connect your computer to the router (Wired or Wireless)
©2015 TP-LINK
Ethernet cable
Turn off the Wi-Fi on your computer and connect the devices as shown below.
Enter http://tplinkwifi.net or in the address bar of a web
browser. Use admin for both username and password, and then click Login.
Note: If the login window does not appear, please refer to FAQ > Q1.
Configure the router using a web browser
Select your region and time zone, and click Next.
WAN Connection Type
Region and Time zone
Wireless Settings
Test Your Connection
Time zone:
United States
(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time
Exit Next
Create a new username and password, then click Confirm. Re-login using the new
New Username:
Set up a new username and password
New Password:
Confirm New Password:
Note: Per FCC regulations, all Wi-Fi products marketed in the U.S. is locked to the U.S. region.
Select your WAN Connection Type, or click Auto Detect if you are unsure of
what your connection type is. Click Next and follow the instructions.
Auto Detect
Dynamic IP
Static IP
Back Next
WAN Connection Type
Region and Time zone
Wireless Settings
Test Your Connection
Confirm your settings, and then click Save.
Test your Internet connection, then click Finish to quit the Quick Setup.
Use the default or change the wireless settings, and click Next.
Note: If you change the default SSID and password, write down the new wireless settings.
WAN Connection Type
Region and Time zone
Wireless Settings
Test Your Connection
Wireless 2.4GHz:
Network Name(SSID):
Wireless 5GHz:
Network Name(SSID):
Back Next
Enable Wireless Radio
Enable Wireless Radio
WAN Connection Type
Region and Time zone
Wireless Settings
Test Your Connection
You have completed the Quick Setup process.
Click Test Internet Connection below, then click Finish.
Back Finish
Test Internet Connection
To conveniently manage your network, scan the QR code to
download the Tether app on your mobile device.
Tether App

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  • mijn vorige router heeft het begeven... vandaar wou ik even een handleiding bekijken om te zien dat je hiermee vlug en easy aan de slag kan. Gesteld op 23-8-2020 om 15:02

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Andere handleiding(en) van TP-LINK Archer C50 - AC1200

TP-LINK Archer C50 - AC1200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 137 pagina's

TP-LINK Archer C50 - AC1200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 84 pagina's

TP-LINK Archer C50 - AC1200 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 63 pagina's

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